Bumpy/Weird Eggs & Poop below Vent

Dale River

In the Brooder
Sep 9, 2020
Not sure what breed this girl is, but she’s almost 7 months old & we’ve raised her from a chick since we got her at the local farm store.

When she began laying eggs in August, they were normal, hard shelled, and regular appearance. They started out smaller & gradually grew larger, as expected. The past month or two, she’s been laying thin-shelled eggs that are weird-looking: bumpy, rippling, etc.

She also consistently has poop stuck to her feathers just below her vent, but her poop appears to be normal.

She will eat anything she can find, and has access to as much chicken food as she’ll eat, as well as grit & oyster shells. None of the other hens’ eggs are thin-shelled or look weird. We did treat the entire flock with Corid (x5 days, waited a week, then x3 days) for coccidiosis a couple months ago after finding one bloody poop (not sure from which bird). We haven’t seen any more bloody poop since that initial one.

What do I need to be looking into for this girl? Could she be sick with something? What could be causing the eggs to be bumpy/thin-shelled? (She appears to be standing one-legged in the picture, but I just caught her moving.)


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