Button Quail and Head Bumps


Barista Queen
11 Years
Mar 5, 2008
I was just moving my buttons to a new temporary habitat while my dh finishes their new home. The male got loose (which was in a safe location). When I finally caught him, he had missing feathers on his head and blood!
He'll be ok, right? Do I need to do anything for it, or just leave him be? Poor guy!
It's not bad, just a little spot. He is acting fine. I guess I was wondering more if I need to put something on it for infection. I'm not sure how to move a thread other than to cross-post.
Its normal for them to jump around and smash the top of their heads. Just make sure it stops bleeding and they will be ok. My boys always do it, they look really bad, but they get over it.
Thanks Dodgegal! I know they do that pop up vertical flying, and I have tried to make them a top that is softer because of that. He bonked his head on the ceiling
Yes, they only seem to do it for a while when they are young then they seem to calm down a little. I was really worried about mine when they were doing it, even had one do it so hard he knocked himself out. I just put him in a dark box on a towel and shut the top so it was dark and warm and he came out of it ok.

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