BYC Café

Originally Posted by tjo804

If anyone orders from hatchery do you also buy the GROGEL PLUS-B Hatching Supplement ?
I remember seeing that I think in the M.M catalog. I ended up ordering from our local feed store as MM had a minimum chick order of 25. I'm curious as to if anyone else has used this? i was planning on feeding them some ACV in their water, as well as some yogurt and egg yolks during the early days.
I just give my shipped chicks some probiotics sprinkled on their food and if it looks like they need it, sugar water with some polyvisol in it.
That stuff is in the "critter first aid kit" that I have put together through the years.
No more snow, just 60 mph gusts that are having their fun rearranging the snow into drifts. Tomorrow however, is supposed to be warmer and no wind, snow or whathaveyou. I need to go grocery shopping for coffee!
Golly I'm so glad I live near the Mohave Desert. I do NOT miss the snow and cold. I'll take drought any day over that.

Welcome to our two newcomers. We've got a motley bunch here, as you can see and the long conversation just wanders around. Hope you enjoy.

You know, though, the quiet and peace during the very first snow fall of the season is worth missing. I'll never forget how the falling snow would absorb all sound and all you could hear was your footsteps crunching in the fresh powder.... but then it's brown slush within a week and ugh...
Margie - that was a pretty picture! If I squinted it looked like white palm trees.. nice ;)

I have a question for you seasoned chicken owners - does the time change mess with their schedules at all?

Krista - has it cooled down any there?

Have a good weekend everyone!
Margie - that was a pretty picture! If I squinted it looked like white palm trees.. nice ;)

I have a question for you seasoned chicken owners - does the time change mess with their schedules at all?

Krista - has it cooled down any there?

Have a good weekend everyone!
Only if you knock them off the roost because you are stumbling around half asleep trying to get chores done...
Time to coffee up-and giddy-up on outa here for the day.
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They don't know that the time changes - that is a man made thing. If your schedule changes, that affects them.
True - I guess what I was wondering out loud is that if you showed up to feed them at 7:30 on Saturday but then showed up on Sunday morning at 7:30 (which will now be darker..the light equivilent outside will be as if it were 6:30 am), will that mess with their pea-brains?

Heck - my pea brain has a hard time with DST. I wish we could abolish it. I need to move to Arizona I suppose. :)

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