BYC Café

But, if we were supposed to forget, then won't that allow for the bad to happen again? Don't we need to remember who burned us and what preceded the burn in order to walk a wide mile around it?
Otherwise we will keep getting used by the same people over and over and...
No, I figure that is why we have memories.
The whole 'Sting me once shame on you, sting me twice shame on me' thing.

Now the forgiving part is the thing I have problems with.
I have justified not forgetting, but mean people who hurt you to be mean? Nope. They need to ask to be forgiven. I need to know they understand that they were not nice.
But if say, my neighbor ran over my mail box, that's forgiven. It is a mistake. If they rev-ed up, gunned it and flatten the thing because they are just nuts, then uh-nope. no forgiving there. And I need to always remember it and give them a wide berth.
Fortunately we have wonderful neighbors, so. no probs.

However, vacuum cleaners and I have the same relationship as Krista has with hers.
grrrrr. stupid vacuum cleaners and their snooty attitudes.

Vacuum cleaners and I get along just fine - I never use them. My father could be the most open, giving man in the world - until you did him wrong. Then you were dead to him. He and his father had a 'falling out' when I was an infant, and my father severed his relationship with my grandfather at that point. I never saw the two of them together. Sad.
My Mum was much the same with her Mother. They had a falling out when my Mum discovered she and her sisters had been left out of her will, and everything was left to the only son (her Brother).

She held the grudge all the way to my Grandmother's death, refusing to go to her funeral.

The sad thing is the whole 'estate' was only worth about $50K. So, split between the 5 kids it came down to $10K each.

Not worth fighting about in my opinion.

- Krista
563 posts. You guys are awesome. Been so busy, but I feel like I've abandoned yall. Sorry to keep butting in and leaving again. You guys cheer up though. Today won't ever fix yesterday and tomorrow will take care of itself. :)

That depends on what Lawyer you're talking to.

Have a good morning all!!
Hi everyone.

Super quick update as I just got home from the hospital and am very nauseous and woozy from the anaesthetic.

The Doctor was able to retrieve one viable egg from me, and some sperm from hubby via a core sample from his testicular tissue. Not sure which one of us is the more miserable at the moment!

Anyway, they will attempt to fertilise the egg today, which has a 70% success rate. They will ring tomorrow to let me know if it worked or not. If so, Friday they will implant it, and we all have to start thinking fertile thoughts and hope it takes.

Off to bed now for a rest and to sleep off the rest of the drugs. Catch up tomorrow with you all, hopefully with good news.

Krista x

PS: You have no idea how long it took me to write this post, lol.

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