BYC Café

coloring books are good - get yourself the biggest box of crayons you couldn't afford when you were young. I used to get those Find-A-Word puzzle books , then when all of that became too strenuous I switched to napping most of the day and eating for the rest of it.
Sorry @3goodeggs , it's hard. I'm not sure I ever got "over" it...things just seemed different (because they were). I was able to go up and visit mine once a year and he came home for Christmas, the visits helped to see he was doing fine and were reassuring. But the house, the everyday, they were different. Of course, I was one of those weird mom's that did not look forward to school starting even when they were younger because we'd have so much fun during the summers. I treasured each day with my boys, back in the day...when they still thought I was cool beans.
For those of you who have had your children go off to school... how long will I walk aimlessly around the house before I can ... stop walking aimlessly around the house?

Sorry that I'm late, but I just had to start doing the chores that they were doing, plus the chores I was already doing, and answering all of the how are 'my' critters doing questions. Then I would get up in the morning and go to my day job so's I could pay for all of this stuff going on.
You 'need' more chickens!!
Hello everyone! Long time, no speak!

I'd love to be able to say I'd been absent because things have been so wonderful and exciting and it kept me away from here, but sadly I just got swept up in the ordinary day to day of life. I did see, 3goodeggs, that you are missing one of your kids who has gone off to school, so hugs for you

Me, I've just been busy with work. Since moving house our finances are a bit stretched so I've been doing as much a I can to help out.

I have missed you guys immensely of late and it's lovely to have found the time to pop in again and say hi.

Krista xxx

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