BYC Café


That one is a lot fancier than mine. I usually make a 2-layer chocolate cake with chocolate frosting on the side and coconut frosting in the middle and on top. We're cutting back on sweets to today's cake is 1-layer chocolate with coconut frosting on top. How will we survive, lol?

Scott, sorry to hear about the colicky horse. Hope the vet won't take all your beach money.
Not a long weekend for me. Gotta work Monday.

Also considering going to the dmv next Friday to find out how many active registrations my hubs has right now.

Mailed off the change of address form - needed three pages as he has seven vehicles/trailers currently registered to him (that I know about...he has a horrible tendency to not bother with dmv stuff...)
Hi All!
The DW's Mare is on enough drugs that she is looking drunk, (would NOT pass a dwi roadside 'walk in a straight line' test) Only took 4 calls to the vets office to get a reply from the on the road vet as to when/if they could get to us before 5 PM. It's about enough to make me start popping tops before it's 5 O'clock somewhere
She should be better in a day or so
, It not only got all of the 'beach' money, it is working on my 'cold ones' money da-boot
, it's a good thing I like that horse (I like a warm bed also)
Not going on a ride this weekend, OH well!

Hoping it is alot better for the rest of the weekend!
Ya'll have a good one!!
Hi All!
The DW's Mare is on enough drugs that she is looking drunk, (would NOT pass a dwi roadside 'walk in a straight line' test) Only took 4 calls to the vets office to get a reply from the on the road vet as to when/if they could get to us before 5 PM. It's about enough to make me start popping tops before it's 5 O'clock somewhere :he She should be better in a day or so :fl , It not only got all of the 'beach' money, it is working on my 'cold ones' money da-boot:barnie , it's a good thing I like that horse (I like a warm bed also)
Not going on a ride this weekend, OH well!
Hoping it is alot better for the rest of the weekend!
Ya'll have a good one!!

Vacation money is one thing, but my 'cold ones' money is a different story! :gig

Glad she is gonna be ok though!
Does anyone have a home-made anti-itch remedy for mosquito bites? We've had so much rain, the nasty things are out in force and feeding on me like little vampires. I have them all over my neck, front & back and the itching is driving me nuts! I've already used up all the store-bought stuff we had on hand and can't get to town for a couple days so if you all know of something I could make up, it would be much appreciated.

They love me to NorthFLchick!
I've only tried this on one bite so far, but take a kitchen spoon and run it under really hot water, then hold the back of the spoon to the bite and the heat draws the itch out!
I'm sure there are some concoctions too, but I don't remember any, sorry.
Thanks WV, at this point I'm willing to try anything. I'll give the spoon trick a try and report back later.

Have a good one!

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