BYC Café

There, there, dear.

Even Critter recognized that one - the ultimate male passive-aggressive "set-up."

Catch you when you are groggy and unprepared, force a decision, then later, when you say you hate your choice, "hey, you picked it! Geez woman, can't ever make up your mind . . . ."

Lol husbands never do get it. you painted your house in blues right? I like things to compliment, so I would go with a cool color, maybe a gray. I need a good picture of coffee, but sending coffee thoughts
We are going to be adding a deck off of it, so I figure we get a grey for now, and if it clashes with the deck... we can always repaint.

See? She how coffee helps?
It is a wonderful thing.
Morning! Somewhere..... Hope everyone is having a great day! We just rolled in from a wrestling tournament. Great day for the DS$ and feeling pretty good about the upcoming National one in a couple of weeks. Bobcat cruised by last night cause I saw tracks on top of the snow drifts. See, the wind is good for something, I just needed to find one!

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