BYC Café

Good Sunday Morning Everybody! :frow You guys get the day started, or and I'm going to get some sleep. I just got back from the big city airport to send DW off to the Left coast to see her mother and siblings. She will stay about 4 weeks or so, hoping the fire season don't get any crazier then it is already. Scott
That looks great My parents are coming here for fathers day and then tomorrow DH, my Dad, and my youngest Brother are going fishing in North Western NE. Little brother is hoping to catch pike. Happy Fathers Day to all you Dad's. I firmly believe a present father plays a critical role in turning children into Healthy Happy adults. So thank you.
Morning! Happy Father's Day! DS$ gave DH his present yesterday because he is heading out to a 10 day intensive wrestling camp up in Greeley. He gave him stadium seats so he can sit in the bleachers way more comfortably. DH and I get to practice empty nesting.... woo hoo! Good thing the horse has a set of shoes! LOL! This is supposed to be a hot day day here but I see clouds in the sky, don't know.... Off to water the garden before traveling.
Have a wonderful day!
Ugh 86 would be fantastic. 105 here. My poor girls.

But, 'it's a 'dry' heat', is what I always heard when I was in CA, back in the 70's.
I spent 5+ years in the center of that wonderful state, and them people would not admit to it being stinking da*n hot.
100* or more is HOT, and I don't care how dry it is.

Scott (sorry, that's a sore point with me)
It's a nice and dry Monday Morning here, 68* and only going to the high 80's. In fact the whole week is to be about 70's to the high 80's-low 90's, not bad for late June.
Hope everybody has a good weather week.
Coffee is good this morning, have a 2nd cup and enjoy the day.

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