BYC Café

I have a busy day today. We have farm chores, swimming lessons, library tonight, and at some point DH is coming home today. I hate busy.... But on a happy note it is much cooler today. 59 right now and not supposed to get above 89 today. That is a welcome relief.
Hello, everyone. I just joined BYC yesterday. My Darlin' Husband and I got our first five little hens right at a month ago. Four 14 month old Red Sex Links, Bernadette, Henrietta, Lucille, and shy Rosie and one 16 month old Black Jersey Giant, Madea. They started laying for us about a week and a half ago! They weren't pet chickens until we got them, lol! We live in Mississippi and it's already humid and pretty warm. We don't know much about chickens but we're learning and having fun. We recently moved from an apartment to an acre and a half. There was a coop already here so we decided to put some chickens in it. We've had some problems, but seem to have worked them out. Coop has a dirt floor and we ran into a problem with mold. That was scary to me! Nobody got sick, hallelujah! Anyway, I just came in from watering the girls and the garden and polishing off my first cup of coffee and saw y'alls thread. I wanted to say "hello". Y'all have a fabulous day, enjoy your coffee.

welcome, and beware.

great people on this site, but they will definitely feed your chicken addiction.  And make no mistake about it, once you get a few chickens, you will want more.

Lol yes chicken math is a real thing. And then it expands and even goes past chickens into other livestock. Just you wait, you will soon be considering the benefits of a goat :lau
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Thank you. Hmmmm...the coffee is good! I forgot to introduce myself earlier...I'm Leah, Darlin' Husband is Fred. I'm an assistant IDEA teacher and Fred is a sub contractor. Great niece, Alexis, is already trying to convince us to get 5 more. Lol.
I have a busy day today. We have farm chores, swimming lessons, library tonight, and at some point DH is coming home today. I hate busy.... But on a happy note it is much cooler today. 59 right now and not supposed to get above 89 today. That is a welcome relief.

Lucky duckie! Calling for 88 today here, then it's 90s for another week. Guh!
Enjoy your day OFW.  Don't forget to breath.  I remember those days,......    still have them with the DS$ and critters.   But not this week, empty nesting it and all.   LOL!

Thank you, I am sure we will. I want them in library, I want them in swimming lessons, so it is all my own doing. But I really do hate the running it requires. It seems like if we have one thing going on, life is great, two or more starts to overwhelm. But library is pretty low-key, and I checked out a gardening planner book, so there is something for me there too. I just need to take time and look at the book :D
That's funny you should mention a goat! The guy we got the hens from had some goats too, I begged DH for one, but he said (firmly) "NO". We'll see.
Goats are like potato chips - you really can't have just one.

And be warned - pound for pound, I believe they are more destructive than horses. But such fascinating critters; I call mine my "pointy-headed problem children."

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