BYC Café

That's a good one NFC! :D

Good luck at the swap Scott! I should also go to one today, I have lots of extra little cockerels, but I think I'll go to next weekend's instead, it's closer to me, and I have much to do around the house today.

Have a lovely Saturday everyone.
No rain today -
good morning, Café.
Good morning. Been busy with work and cookie orders. The weather is finally turning nice and it appears mud season might be extra short this year!

DH is hoping to burn some of the long grass in our first field today. Anything to cut down on the wood ticks.

Lucy has been keeping me busy. She is crazy dog outside, and is getting bigger. She's up to 12 pounds now!

Here she is being goofy yesterday morning!


Good morning! Anyone else ready for a cup of coffee or tea?

MissWiggles that's a great picture of Lucy upside down & hanging off the edge
I am! We are up, had our morning walk, ate breakfast, and now it is time for a shower and get the day started.

And the sun is shining and it was sorta warm this morning. Well, I didn't need a jacket!

Have a beautiful Sunday everyone.
Morning! Happy Sunday and hope you had a great BDay Kelsey
. We only got a few inches of snow, works for me but seriously, it would be nice if they could get it right sometimes. Have a good one and thanks for the coffee/
We were supposed to get more rain too, but we only got a little. I could see it snowing on the mountain, and saw where it was sleeting a mile south but no storm cells went directly overhead. Kinda normal for here. Sometimes you can see it pouring a few blocks away but it's not raining where you are at. Makes the sky fun to watch.

Thanks for the coffee!
Morning!  Happy Sunday and hope you had a great BDay Kelsey  :ya .   We only got a few inches of snow, works for me but seriously, it would be nice if they could get it right sometimes.   Have a good one and thanks for the coffee/ 

Thank you! I definitely did! :)

And we got snow/rain/sleet here too for 2 days but today's beautiful.

Went to the casino yesterday

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