BYC Café

Good morning, Café. Julie, I field trial beagles. Our last golden was CGC and also achieved her CDX title both AKC and CKC. We have always obedience trained our 'house' dogs. The beagles not so much.
Goldens are great at obedience and agility.
Beagles are so cute and smart! I love how they bark, which most people find annoying, I know.

Lucy is doing pretty good with her training; sit, down, stand, wait (for food) and come are all good, come is subjective- if she's found something really interesting then she doesn't "hear" me. We need to work on stay, and leave it. She has just started showing an interest in go get it (tennis ball) and release. Walking on a leash is terrible, but I haven't really trained her much on that- we don't need leashes to go outside here.

My biggest issue will be advanced training. The closest trainer is in Marquette, which is about an hour away. Although she rides pretty good in the car, so she probably wouldn't mind!
Too late in the day for coffee but just popping in to say hello!

Miss Wiggles, sorry about the crud and hope you're back to hale & hearty soon.

Margie, guess we're in the same weather pattern. It's going to cool down and maybe snow on Friday (or maybe just snow mixed with rain, it depends on who you listen to).

Catch you all tomorrow, have a good evening!
Good morning

Still dark here but weather-wise we'll be good. Tomorrow night's another story, it's expected to get down to 30*.

Thanks for the coffee! It was so good, I had 2 cups.

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