BYC Café

You guys wear me out, I think I'm going back to bed. Have been having vertigo since Tuesday morning and the earliest DR. appt. I could get is next Wednesday. Last night got trapped in my bedroom -the lights were out and I couldn't find the wall switch.

With the room spinning even in the dark, I kept going to the wrong wall. Every time I thought I had reversed the path, I kept ending up against the same(wrong) wall. What a weird feeling, thought I would never get out.

I've had vertigo before but never as pronounced as this time. Googled Mayo clinic, etc. and felt reassured I had a benign type, just vertigo and nausea. Then all the doubts have started streaming in :oops:. Haven't ridden senior bus all week because they have a fit if anyone falls on the bus, so no groceries-nothing. Tired of eating eggs, beans and ran out of milk too. I think this may be Ice cream withdrawal......:yesss:

Scary! Has it subsided??
I had vertigo once. Weirdest feeling in the world.

Can't believe I haven't checked in here for a few days! Have been watching Irma creep in, wondering if the house we rented for Thanksgiving week in the Keys will still be standing. Wondering where she will hit, and hoping all those in her path stay safe.

Dying for an iced latte, but really want to sleep tonight. :(

Not looking good for the Keys, but i guess they build for it, so :fl

I have a brother in Melbourne FL, he's one of those hard headed ones that won't evacuate. :rolleyes:

Besides the wind, the storm surge is scary...all that water has to go somewhere. When we lived in Key West, just a heavy rain would flood the city streets. The highest point on that island is about 3 feet above sea level and the tallest building is 3-4 stories (nothing taller is allowed to be built).

I'm really worried about our old friends that are there. Very few of them have ever evacuated for hurricanes, one of them even lives on a sail boat and rides storms out on board.

Just praying that all are ok and we hear from them soon as possible.
Hi Everyone I hope everyone is having a good day :frow I don't drink coffee but I like tea hot or cold :) The few times I have drank coffee I get all jittery and feel sick :sick I have two baby redsexlink chicks Kurt (cobain) & Dylan girls they are very adventurous being raised in California . I had two roosters when I was small they were really sweet. My mom loved having us take family portraits and I would always cry :hitso to get me to stop crying they'd give me my pet roosters and I'd be happy :love:D haha I don't remember but I have seen the pictures . Anyway I just wanted to talk I hope everyone is good and well and sending love to anyone in the storms I hope everyone is ok and any pets safe and well :):love

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