BYC Café

Welcome to the Cafe, BrandonMcfly. You'll find that someone has usually got some hot water going for tea. Is this your first chickens since the roosters you had as a child? My flock is slowly dwindling away. I'm down to a rooster and 6 hens and they're getting close to 5 years old. Don't know if I want to get chicks and start from scratch or get some pol hens and introduce them into the old girls. Anyway, fix yourself some tea. There's always someone popping in and out of here

You should incubate some new ones and raise the chicks. :D

Thank you! :frow Hopefully someone's got tea if not I'll make it :D . Yes these are my first chickens since I was small so it's a lovely experience :love because I get to watch them grow into beautiful little ladies & i get to raise them on my own I hope I do a good job :fl Aww im sorry to hear that what has made it grow smaller?? I don't have much experience but I love raising baby chicks but if you don't want to wait get them big I'm sure they will like the others :D I will have some blueberry tea :)

Welcome!! :frow

Chocolate dipped anything is good! Bring on the grasshoppers!

I was with you...till you said grasshoppers. :lol:

Irma decided to make landfall on Cudjoe Key, where we spend Thanksgiving most years. Thoughts and prayers are with all the residents of the lower keys, and those on the mainland still in the path.

I'm betting we're not going this year, since the house is right on Cudjoe bay. :hit

Bbq hot dogs and marshmallows! 20170910_130633.jpg

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