BYC Café

Good Morning Café :frow
I will have to skip about 500 posts for now, I just don't have that kinda time to wait on this old/slow/rebuilt/frankenputer to load that many pages.
I hope that all is well for everybody here and will stay that way for the week-end.
Things started breaking down in a hurry when that Genie Lift crapped out. Forget about things happening in 3's, it was by the handful's! Somewhat like being in that handbasket going to youknowwhere. :barnie I cobbled a couple 3 old 'puters together and ended up with this frankenputer that does sorta kinda work after a fashion.
I have high hopes that Santa will be real nice to me this year. :lau
That orange cat is still enthroned in my scrap pile, and don't look like he will leave any time soon. I have started feeding him on a regular biases and he is trying to be friendly towards me and #1 GrandSon.
That's about it in a nutshell.
Have a good Week-end everybody!!
Good Morning Café :frow
I will have to skip about 500 posts for now, I just don't have that kinda time to wait on this old/slow/rebuilt/frankenputer to load that many pages.
I hope that all is well for everybody here and will stay that way for the week-end.
Things started breaking down in a hurry when that Genie Lift crapped out. Forget about things happening in 3's, it was by the handful's! Somewhat like being in that handbasket going to youknowwhere. :barnie I cobbled a couple 3 old 'puters together and ended up with this frankenputer that does sorta kinda work after a fashion.
I have high hopes that Santa will be real nice to me this year. :lau
That orange cat is still enthroned in my scrap pile, and don't look like he will leave any time soon. I have started feeding him on a regular biases and he is trying to be friendly towards me and #1 GrandSon.
That's about it in a nutshell.
Have a good Week-end everybody!!
Good to see you back Scott!
@scottcaddy :wee
Missed ya muchly :hugs :hugs
I bet you can make friends with the kitty faster than Sour did :p

That shouldn't be difficult. :p Scaredy has been on high alert and very flighty for the last week or so. Yesterday just up the road a young coyote crossed in front of me. Nothing dumb about that girl. 7 going on 8 is old for a feral cat.
Hey, Scott!:frow

Sounds like you've been living one of my favorite James Herriot character malapropisms, "trouble allus comes in cyclones.":oops: Hopefully trouble is ready to cycle on out of there for you.:hugs

I've been having 'puter issues too. Right now, I'm borrowing Critter's laptop; he and DS are trying to fix mine (or at least, they will try when the parts they ordered arrive). If their efforts don't pan out, my machine may get jury-rigged as a desktop.:barnie
Good to see some early morning activity, but where is everyone now ? C'mon folks there's things to be done. Coffee is brewed, water is hot, and healthy bran muffins are baked. Good Morning, Café. :celebrate
Thanks Sour!
Good Morning Café :frow
I will have to skip about 500 posts for now, I just don't have that kinda time to wait on this old/slow/rebuilt/frankenputer to load that many pages.
I hope that all is well for everybody here and will stay that way for the week-end.
Things started breaking down in a hurry when that Genie Lift crapped out. Forget about things happening in 3's, it was by the handful's! Somewhat like being in that handbasket going to youknowwhere. :barnie I cobbled a couple 3 old 'puters together and ended up with this frankenputer that does sorta kinda work after a fashion.
I have high hopes that Santa will be real nice to me this year. :lau
That orange cat is still enthroned in my scrap pile, and don't look like he will leave any time soon. I have started feeding him on a regular biases and he is trying to be friendly towards me and #1 GrandSon.
That's about it in a nutshell.
Have a good Week-end everybody!!
Great to hear from you!

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