BYC Café

Morning cafe! Grab your mug and pull up a chair.

Hope you all have a good day

Good Morning N F C, and all of you Café Peeps :frow
Hi N F C! Good to see you this fine chilly morning!
I hope that all is well with you and yours. Did the Course close for the season yet?
The uninvited scrap pile guest has a name now, he will be called DOC. (da*n orange cat)
That way I can cuss at him and the Grandkids don't hear me cussing. Besides now I can say 'what's up DOC' and be talking to a critter named DOC.:p
Hope everybody has a good day!
I wish we had a tub too.
I'll go shopping. I like to shop. Especially if someone is spending the money.
I am buying a big dish pan to soak my feet in! Michelle, i really wish you could come along . Not so fun by yourself. I have a whole page of stuff to get. Winter is breathing down our necks. I would even buy you lunch!
Maybe i will drink a 5 hour energy. Dad used to say those only lasted 15 minutes for him. He had a bad heart.
We have another sunny day but it is only 44 degrees out there. I am thinking the wood stove will see service very soon.
I am buying a big dish pan to soak my feet in! Michelle, i really wish you could come along . Not so fun by yourself. I have a whole page of stuff to get. Winter is breathing down our necks. I would even buy you lunch!
Maybe i will drink a 5 hour energy. Dad used to say those only lasted 15 minutes for him. He had a bad heart.
We have another sunny day but it is only 44 degrees out there. I am thinking the wood stove will see service very soon.
Good idea on the tub.
I'll be with you in spirit on the shopping trip.
Our wood stove has been in service for several weeks now.

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