BYC Café

Yep, I read about the pecking chick.;)
I've given pairs away in the past but I couldn't sell any. You may have a different outlook.
What I do find interesting is once you've through the whole cycle and you've decided to eat what you can't cope with, it gives you a realistic idea of the true cost of the meat.
If you are like me and not prepared to support the chicken meat or egg producing industry the only realistic answer is to eat an awful lot less meat.
I'd love to raise my own meat. I abhor the chicken meat and egg industries.
The problem is I've never killed an animal. I can't even watch the videos that teach you how to do it humanely. As soon as I get to the part where they do the deed, I stop. I had to ask the neighbor to shoot a pullet for me last year because she had cancer.
I know that you can kill them relatively painlessly. I just can't get my emotions out of the way.
I'd love to raise my own meat. I abhor the chicken meat and egg industries.
The problem is I've never killed an animal. I can't even watch the videos that teach you how to do it humanely. As soon as I get to the part where they do the deed, I stop. I had to ask the neighbor to shoot a pullet for me last year because she had cancer.
I know that you can kill them relatively painlessly. I just can't get my emotions out of the way.

I know where you're coming from here Dobie. I had to start with quail and learn to keep my distance with them, which was fairly easy, and then move on to chickens. These roosters will be the first chickens I actually kill myself...I'm biting my nails over it. Once they're done I'm ok, it's the killing part I struggle with.
I'd love to raise my own meat. I abhor the chicken meat and egg industries.
The problem is I've never killed an animal. I can't even watch the videos that teach you how to do it humanely. As soon as I get to the part where they do the deed, I stop. I had to ask the neighbor to shoot a pullet for me last year because she had cancer.
I know that you can kill them relatively painlessly. I just can't get my emotions out of the way.
Yup, it's a bit of a fecker. I was left with a choice. My convictions won't allow me to sell live animals. I can't keep chickens the way I do and feed and house all the offspring. The matter is made slightly easier because of the predation rate of the chicks. I still end up with more then I can cope with. If the land was mine I would let them go feral and this would solve the problem. Some deep irony there that not maintaining a particular standard of care means many more chickens may get the chance to live.
I was fortunate in having spent my childhood on a farm and the killing of animals was something I was exposed to and participated in. It was still a struggle when I moved here and became responsible for the animals here.
The last chicken I killed I used the cervical dislocation method. I used branch loppers and a cone for a while but went back to cervical dislocation because it felt more personal if that is understandable.
It's something you may have to come to terms with at some point. Being able to kill a chicken in a humane fashion is a really important tool in the chicken keeping tool box. It's not so important when you can arrange to kill chickens because you plan to eat them. For this you may be able to take the time to find someone who will do this for you. When it does become really important imo is when you have an injured or sick chicken that needs to die quickly, or suffer needless pain and distress. I think many who have broodies hatching find this out when a chick doesn't hatch properly or the mum deserts or attacks a chick. With my setup there is no way I can have single chicks unattatched to a tribe running around even if I could look after them until they were able to fend for themselves.I've tried in the past and they just don't survive long enough to make it a realistic choice.
Morning! Hi Lacey! Welcome to the cafe.
Sour, I am glad the boys had a successful day out on the field, both 4 and 2 legged and also the girl dog, I am not leaving her out.
Thanks for the coffee! Gotta get on with the chores so have a wonderful day you All!
Morning Margie, have a great day!
I feel weird and awkward jumping in after almost 50k replies, but can I come to the cafe? I used to be really active on BYP, then I took a break for a few years. Most of my old friends on here have moved on. I'm trying to find my new niche.
I'm Lacey.
Good morning, Lacey! :frow Welcome to the café and welcome back to BYC.
I feel weird and awkward jumping in after almost 50k replies, but can I come to the cafe? I used to be really active on BYP, then I took a break for a few years. Most of my old friends on here have moved on. I'm trying to find my new niche.
I'm Lacey.

Hi, Lacey, grab a cup and dust off a chair. Sure you're welcome at the Café - especially if you bring doughnuts or banana bread now and then - neutered banana bread please.

This dog is eating a cookie while he's laying down :rolleyes:

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