BYC Café

Wonderful to love your work!
I expected to work 7 more years and then the district had financial issues and offered early retirement. I snapped that up!! I was principal in a poverty stricken inner city district...23 years was enough. I truly believe I would not be here now if I had stayed.....stress was 24/7 and the climate was very toxic! I loved teaching....I did not love administration!! Made my getaway 10 years ago.
Sis, I totally understand your undying modivatiion. I have been shot 2 times, stabbed 7 times, but still raised 3 beautiful children, and 39 wonderful chickens! And I'm still alive!
Sis, I totally understand your undying modivatiion. I have been shot 2 times, stabbed 7 times, but still raised 3 beautiful children, and 39 wonderful chickens! And I'm still alive, by the grace of God
We owe so much to those who protect us and our country!! Thank you for choosing a life of service. Shot 2x, stabbed 7x.......terrifying!! Not just for you but for your dear family.
Hey Sour :frowI have chicks that'll hatch hopefully today.


Here's a cake for everyone to share in the cafe! I can't eat any, but you're all welcome to enjoy my birthday cake (I found it on Google images)
That actually seems really cheap compared to the fees here but of course it probably varies by area. And our fees include the spay/neuter and shots and everything. If it doesn’t include any of that then that is pretty ridiculous I suppose.

As for the money back though I’m sure they probably get a ton of adoptions and can’t keep track of every person. Maybe you were supposed to send proof of the spay or call them or something then they give it back? Left to their own devices, I’m sure they could just forget or something.

And thanks, I’ll do that.
We did call them, & we both kept copies of the adoption papers.
The first time we called they said they'll be sending out a check soon. A month later nothing, we call again, they said something about accidentally losing, or misplacing papers, & we'll get the $50 back once they're found. Turns out, alot of people hate the Iosco County Animal Shelter.

Add a 6% tax to the price of everything? It broke me.
We did call them, & we both kept copies of the adoption papers.
The first time we called they said they'll be sending out a check soon. A month later nothing, we call again, they said something about accidentally losing, or misplacing papers, & we'll get the $50 back once they're found. Turns out, alot of people hate the Iosco County Animal Shelter.

Add a 6% tax to the price of everything? It broke me.
I honestly wouldn't care about the $50 especially if it was for a furever friend. I've paid for dogs that needed extensive medical care after I purchased them, but it was worth it to get my precious fur babies.

I do understand that some people adopt animals and are strapped for money when they get the animal.

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