BYC Café

it's great to see you back @chickadoodles - I assume the surgery went well! Your hubby too?

Hi Perris. Yes the surgery went very well. And I am enjoying life again. I can lay down to sleep again to! Something we tend to not think about till you can't! lol
And Dh is doing well. He is going for injections of gel in his knee. The first one was in Dec.
He will have to get them every 6 months.

Thanks LaFleche. I missed byc and everyone! It's nice to be back.
Hi Perris. Yes the surgery went very well. And I am enjoying life again. I can lay down to sleep again to! Something we tend to not think about till you can't! lol
And Dh is doing well. He is going for injections of gel in his knee. The first one was in Dec.
He will have to get them every 6 months.

Thanks LaFleche. I missed byc and everyone! It's nice to be back.
What is in the gel shot? I think my Mom is getting that one now.
What is in the gel shot? I think my Mom is getting that one now.

I went to get the pamphlet on it.
It's Hylan G-F20 by Synvisc-one
It gives cushioning to the knees. By the second day dh was doing a happy dance! So it really
helped him. But it's starting to wear off he said already. But at some point they will have to do surgery. He has the big "O" in all his joints.

I hope it helps your mom.
I went to get the pamphlet on it.
It's Hylan G-F20 by Synvisc-one
It gives cushioning to the knees. By the second day dh was doing a happy dance! So it really
helped him. But it's starting to wear off he said already. But at some point they will have to do surgery. He has the big "O" in all his joints.

I hope it helps your mom.
Mom says it helps! I had to get a cortisone shot in early November. It is wearing off now.

I have Osteoarthritis in a lot of joints too. Worse is my left knee and left hip. My left foot at the top too.

I expect to need joint replacement someday too.

Thanks for the information!
Steal away, Shad. I picked up my 4-legged grandkids and we will have them through Thurs.
The hardest part watching them is keeping my cat from attacking them... :rolleyes:
I found some European bacon at Sam's today. It looks delicious!
There are a lot of people out there with mental illness and one of the main issues with their disease is that they do not realize that they even have a mental illness. That truly complicates things.
Imagine how you would feel if someone came up to you and took away your car, the one that you have been paying for, etc. They said that it is their car and you need to just accept that on their word because. You know that is your car and you are supposed to just agree to it? That is how a lot of people feel when they get told that they have a mental illness and that is why they can be so resistant. They have no awareness of the illness.
Your mental illness comments.
This is what I deal with here. There is no doubt that two living in the main house are not playing with a full deck. It's not just my opinion, it's the opinion of most of my family and a few people here who know the household.
In a suburban environment their illness would probably be identified and perhaps given a bit of pressure, somethinng done about it. Up here on the mountain very few people ever get to see the problems. For example, nobody gets to count the bottles of wine that accumulate by the recycling. Nobody notices the small hours trips out where the coops get opened. Lots of little things that eventually mount up to unstable. You have to observe day in day out to come to the conclusion that something isn't quite right.
The restrictions here got even stricter as of January 10. Let's hope that it will work, but I have serious doubts seeing some of the neighbours display a rather unreasonable (or is it childish and defiant?) behaviour.
Here it seems to be a mix of things. There are some who are fundamentally against the restrictions and they'll produce a reasonable arguement as to why. I find it difficult to condem such people, even if they put others at risk.
There are as everywhere I imagine, the conspiracy theorists. I would love to believe them. If a government, or group could organise something of this magnitude and get away with it and have it work, it would restore my faith in government in general. Unfortunatley what evidence there is seems to demonstrate that here at least and in the UK, the government couldn't lace up their own boots without tying them both together. Hardly world domination candidates.
There is a very large sector who are just ingnorant; not in attitude but in knowledge. These range form "I don't pay any attention to the news" to not understanding the first thing about how the virus spreads.
The proportion of plain selfish harmful people is pretty small from what little I've seen.
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It's Hylan G-F20 by Synvisc-one
Aaaaaah! I had that in one of my knees and ended up with elephantitis of the knee so bad I couldn't get my jeans on! Dr. thought it was just a reaction in the left knee and did it again in the right knee 2 months later for a repeat performance!
I can handle Euflexxa injections though.
Good evening Cafe.
It's chicken legs night so I've made a pot of coffee to help keep me awake.
Stove is on and it may just freeze tonight. I spent 15 minutes persuading a couple of Tribe 2 that they would be far more comfortable in the tribe coop rather than clinging onto a branch in the magnolia tree.:rolleyes:
My powers of reason must be improving because they came down with the usual bum shove.
Lovely sunny day. It even felt warm for a couple of hours this morning.

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