BYC Café

Good morning cafe. Coffee is ready.

I have the components to build an automatic door to let the chickens out of the run. It's stays dark so late that it is interfering with getting to work on time. For now, I can just have my nephew let them out when it's light enough... when they are going to be let out again.

Have a great day all. Last day of work before the real work begins!!
no---he bent at the waist too much before scar tissue had a chance to strengthen hip. He doesn't follow dr orders well--can't just sit around and heal
O dear! So rather self inflicted, but still horrible to go through this ordeal several times.

Best to tie them down, right? :lol: I almost have to wrestle my DH down several times a day at the moment to follow doctor's orders after the eye surgeries. :rolleyes:
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When they found the guy that clocked this wind speed, how far from the top of the mountain did he get blown??
He didn't have to stand outside to clock it ;) However at one point the anemometer wasn't clicking as fast as he thought it should be so he had to climb the ladder on the roof to know the ice off that was blocking the wind from hitting the machine directly. IIRC it said he had to have 3 goes at getting up the ladder.

At that point in time they counted clicks and used a stopwatch to time, then did the calculation to convert to MPH. He even radioed another guy down the mountain and had him listen to the clicks and time them. I guess 2 people doing the measuring is about as accurate as one can get. Don't know what sort of machinery is used these days, probably not stop watches and clicks though.

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