BYC Café

Good morning and thanks for the coffee! I also have had pincushion hens hang out on the nest boxes. I figured it was warmer for them or they just needed some undisturbed time to let those feathers grow in. They were there for only a few days, nothing major.
We still have sunshine so I guess I will be cutting more trees. Enjoy the day!
so I can park in it this winter.
:eek: What is the world coming to? ;) The only "inside" I have is occupied by the tractor. Likely couldn't get out a car of the barn with snow on the ground anyway.

yeah---but it was a gift so trying it once first
Attagirl. Give it the old college try. Don't let Sour dampen your social graces. :D
Did you let her stay?
I didn't.
I didn't realize she was molting that much until I reached under to pull her out.
She's one of the "book end" sisters. Mallory, on the right. (This picture was when the pair decided to try being broody at the same time.)
book ends.jpg

I've had a few meek girls that I permit to stay the night as they've already proven that they will not foul the nest box and hold it in broody style.
One of my 5 month old pullets laid her first egg today! 44 grams! That's as big as my first set of girls did after about 4-5 weeks of laying! And, she did it in the nest box, right off the bat. You go girl!! :clap

I'm pretty sure it's Stormy. She's been roosting with the adults, but down on the poop board, and they let her. She squatted for me last week, and she went into the nest box for a moment earlier this week. Darl, my roo, has shown a little interest in her "that way" recently.

I hope I have bought my last dozen eggs at the store for.... ever! (LOL)

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