BYC Café

Yeah? Well, you’re my favorite martian. 😝
That actually looks like me. :gig
Wow, really quiet in here!
Good morning and thanks for the coffee, Orca!!!!!!!
Horse chores are done and now we are off to take a friend shopping and then out to lunch.
This is the same guy that we moved off the ranch that he was care-taking. He is going to show us around the new place where he is staying.
Enjoy the day, Cafe!
Another sunny, unseasonably warm day here. Got my running around errands done, and came home to hubby fixing the light that was out in the kitchen. And, he'd swept/vacuumed the floor.

Meijer (local big grocery for those of you who aren't Aart, haha) seems to be out of a lot of things lately. Vermicelli, of any brand? Nope, haven't seen it in a few weeks. The specific style of taco shell DH likes? huh uh. And the eggs that were $1.89/dozen are now $3.59, and those are the cheap ones.

Speaking of eggs, the girls are done for the season, so we're eating the ones I waterglassed. I think they're fine, and DH thinks they're ok. We have about 3+ dozen left, and I'm wishing I'd stored more.

Of my new layers last year, Stormy started the earliest (November 5th) and stopped the latest (October 18th). She has some new feathers poking through, and everyone else is growing/molting feathers.

7 weeks to the Solstice. Definitely need chicks next spring.
I’m gonna have to break down & buy some eggs.

We had been on egg rations for about 6wks, but 2wks ago we screeched to a total halt. Most of my eggs go to the neighbors. One neighbor in particular needs a weekly supply & they were getting all of our rationed eggs. It kills me to have to tell them they’ll have to buy them & buying them for myself feels so wrong.
Another warm day on deck.
Hopefully get off my butt and get a couple winter coop prep tasks done.
Did get the check done on the winter waterer, no leaks, heater working, thermometer tested.
:fl for motivation and stamina.
Well, that was interesting.
The old wooden ladder I use to work on coop windows finally failed beyond redemption.
The rung I was standing on broke at both ends simultaneously,
dropping me down a foot and barking up both shins.
Coulda been worse.
...and I was almost done!
Had to drag out aluminum ladder to finish, after I put insulation in whole house fan, cause that's where the ladder has been since spring.

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