BYC Café

**WHY** is that Damn Downy Woodpecker tearing holes in my shed door, thru the 1/4" chip board and well into the 2" of styrofoam? SMH.
Wish I could replace the whole door and fogged window,
but it's an odd DIY size.
Any chance that carpenter bees made their nests there? They did so in the fascia on one of my lofts - woodpeckers soon destroyed that.
Good morning Cafe. Coffee is ready.

I'm now only having the partial toe amputation done on Skittles. I got the estimate back to do that and the dental at the same time. The range was $1,719-$2,291 with both. I asked for another without the dental and it was $842-$1,311. He goes in Monday morning.
Luckily I get a 30% reduction on all bills.
VERY lucky.
There is a not-for-profit animal hospital about 20 miles from me. I think I'm going to take Piper there for her initial puppy exam when I pick her up and see what I think. I've heard that they're much more reasonable in price.
I don't know how the vast majority of people can afford to own a dog these days with the prices the way they are.

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