BYC Café

Having trouble making the centigrade to fahrenheit conversions?

As the shops and media keep reminding me, Christmas is coming.
Christmas humour is called for then. This made me chuckle.
Made it home from NC in just over 12 hours. Much better trip than going down!

We have about 3-4 compacting inches of snow on the ground. I broomed off the roof of the run twice today. I hadn't asked my chicken sitter to do that, because it didn't occur to me that it might need to be done. So there's some hardened snow/slush that will have to melt off. No biggie.

I got the water heater and the lights in the run put up. The coop and run are winterized now. Check that off the list.

When we got home, the furnace had probably been off all day. It was set at 64, and the house was 46 degrees. My chicken sitter would have noticed if it had been that cold in the morning and called us, so it had happened sometime while we were coming home.

DH had unplugged the sump pump for the summer, so that we could use that outlet to run the dehumidifier. He figured it out easily enough, but the furnace ran for 3 hours to warm up the house. Aided by the wood stove, though, so it is now nice and toasty in here.

Thank goodness for electric blankets.

My MIL is a horse nut. Standing in her living room, guess how many horse/horse related knickknacks/decorations I could count?
75! :eek:
We might get some rain next week...It does not snow here.

I had the heat pump off last night and it got down to 64F LOL!
Good morning Cafe! Thanks for the coffee!

It's been an eventful couple of weeks around there. Both myself and my pup ended up visiting our respective ERs for different issues about a week ago. Myself for a knife slip at a sperm whale necropsy I was involved in and my pup for a nasty GI bug he was struggling to get over. Both of us are doing well thankfully - I should be getting the stitches out shortly (in the words of Monty Python "tis but a flesh wound").
Good morning and thanks for the much needed coffee.

Skittles is doing so good you would never know he had a body part chopped off. He is 100% acting like normal. Spinning around like a little whirling dervish at meal times and practically dragging me around on his potty breaks.

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