BYC Café

but not DW's PO, it is too small.
I would imagine that ours is too small too.

I was having this happen quite regularly with one carrier in particular. It got so bad, I called the PO and reported it. Twice. I haven't seen that carrier since. I must not have been the only one calling about him.
If it happens again I will report it.
Am tracking dates now, have no idea who the carrier is.
Good morning early risers!
I also have my mail that is scanned in Denver sent to my email. We have had a rash of mailbox break-ins all over the mountains and it fortunately did not harm us but we got new metal cluster boxes eventually. The old ones were plastic! My neighbor had her CCard info used and other such activities, stemming from the break-ins. People got their meds taken, packages, checks stolen, a whole list. We had to pick up our mail in the little tiny PO for months.
The breezes did not happen overnight. I think it is saving up for Friday!
We have a wrestling dual to go to tonight! DS$'s old HS team is having a home event.
Then we get to sit the grandpups for the long weekend and watch DS$ wrestle at another tournament. I love my Starlink!
Stay warm out there!
I've been working on cleaning out the house (mostly basement, spare room and garage) and took a full car load to the Salvation Army yesterday. Every week, I stuff the garbage can to overflowing. It feels great to be clearing away all this clutter!
I had to go upstairs to "that room" to find something. OMG, does that need to be cleaned out. I won't even let my best friend see it.

It really need some bookshelves. That would help a lot. We don't heat the upstairs, though, so it's too cold to do anything like that. And too icky weather-wise to think about bringing home wood to make shelves. Yeah, I know, we could get shelving units... but nah. The whole house is tongue and grove wood, so out of respect, no pre-made stuff.

The diptwit who built this place did use nice wood to build it. He just did some WTF were you thinking??!? stuff when he did.

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