BYC Café

The setting moon was so damn bright,
it made all the frost look stark white,
like it had snowed overnight.
This turned into reality after a few hours of fat flakes falling furiously coated everything with snow. It'll all melt with the next 48+ hours of temps above freezing.
Seems he and the chicken are well acquainted. And how well do you have to know your Amazon delivery person to give them the control to your garage door?
Especially with what happened with the FedEx driver in north Texas. He struck a seven years old girl while delivering at a home and instead of helping her, he panicked and took her ten miles from home and strangled her, at least according to his confession. That happened this week.
Especially with what happened with the FedEx driver in north Texas. He struck a seven years old girl while delivering at a home and instead of helping her, he panicked and took her ten miles from home and strangled her, at least according to his confession. That happened this week.
I think there's more to it than what's being talked about by the media.

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