BYC Café

First batch of raw puppy food is ready.

Coming out of the grinder.

All mixed up, bagged and in the freezer.

I've been adding 1/16 tsp of ground super seed to each of her 4 meals a day to boost her Omega 3s. She also gets a drop of fish oil twice a day, 1/4 of a puppy multi-vitamin twice a day, just started her on the golden paste today (she hates it!), and I've been rubbing organic coconut oil into her in the morning (Bella loves to lick her after does Piper). She got her ears cleaned and her teefies brushed today for the first time. No trouble there, just a little squirmy.
I'll start her on the raw cold turkey in a few more days just to give her a little more time to adjust to her new home. But she sure as tootin' doesn't seem like she's in the least bit stressed about anything.
Now, going out in freezing weather in the middle of the night certainly is!
Just think how much better it will be with a couple feet of snow on the ground! :D

Couldn't handle a puppy, not near enough energy...even for a full grown dog anymore.
Never had a puppy, but did have to house train Rascal when I got him at 6mo.
Bella and her play so well together. They both love the stuffies but Bella isn't going crazy whipping them around. Whether she knows she'll be flinging Piper along with it, I'm not sure. I just keep telling her "gentle" and she is trying hard to control her excitement and doing well.
Piper has done excellent with her potty training and not chewing on every stinking thing in her path lessons too. The breeder must really have been working with her because I'm impressed with how well she is doing.
She was half interested in her meals and I need her to eat all her food when she's given a meal to keep her on a good predictable schedule. For her last meal today, I spooned some of the bloody juice out of Bella's bowl into Piper's and boy oh boy did that do the trick. She gobbled up every last bit of it.
I also discovered that if I swaddle her tight in a throw blanket she'll settle right down and eventually doze off. I call it the burrito of serenity. I hope tonight goes much better for her than last night did.
One of our Cats loves playing hide the toy mice with us-- she then asks us to open the closet door after she pushes them under. One time she hid two of them in the back of an easy chair.
The Christmas Bird Count is an annual event where people from all over the world spend a day outside counting wild birds - started by the Audubon Society back in 1901! :) I bet there is one going on near you this week or next. It's a lot of fun and the people who come out to help are usually super pleasant to spend the time with.

And boo about the storm. Hopefully it's a bust and you can get your pup to the vet for her appointment.
One of our Lecturers organizes a group from the UC Davis campus for this event.
Hello all! I’m new here only a few days. I had chickens 4 ever ago. I just got some this past June. Really enjoying them. We retired about 4 years ago. I recently got a part time job. We have 2 rescue cats and 2 chickens, ( getting more soon) Looking forward to getting to know you all.

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