BYC Café

Merry Christmas - we have a dusting of snow on the ground today!

Thankful for the coffee! Our home-raised turkey is in the oven and I’m just about to head down to the basement to grab potatoes and other fixings for the side dishes. Thankfully for the harvest this year and a relaxing day!

We're having (store bought) turkey, home grown mashed taters, gravy, and salad later today. Skipping the stuffing, cranberry, and pie. We'll have enough goodies to eat!

Hoping everyone has a safe, warm, blessed, happy day. Our power never went off, we have plenty to eat, a nice warm house, each other, our happy puppy. What more could we want/need?

Oh, we have chickens too! We're very lucky.
Can be hard to catch them cause they are so small and thus close to the floor.
Because she is not allowed free access to the house, I've caught every single mistake outside her pen with a correction DURING the accident. Not nearly as many inside the pen so I've changed to crating her and reduced the pen size in half for when I do put her in there to use the porta potty.
Because she is not allowed free access to the house, I've caught every single mistake outside her pen with a correction DURING the accident. Not nearly as many inside the pen so I've changed to crating her and reduced the pen size in half for when I do put her in there to use the porta potty.
Good Job!
The one I fostered was not confined and full grown, luckily he always pooped under a table in the lower level.

Geez!! Shoveling this snow stinks!!
Top 14" is light and fluffy, bottom 6" is not wet but compacted and much heavier.

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