BYC Café

Merry Christmas Animation GIF by Hallmark Gold Crown

Merry Christmas!
Just got in. Eldest and husband did as usual a truely magnificent dinner. Seven for dinner. We lost a couple due to unforseen circumstances. Everybody bought small gifts and nobody enjoyed themselves any the less for it. Even the three dogs managed to behave. I think it's time for me and eldests husband to do the next family meal. We've done it before but bear in mind that Christmas is the only time I drink and I drink neat Scotch. SIL drinks Polish vodka. Well, you can imagine the two of us half cut in the kitchen.
Best of all, is I got a text from my half brother who hasn't been in touch with any of the family for over a year.:love
I was gone for a little over an hour taking DH home and hanging out with him for a bit. Came home, opened the back door and who comes tearing up to me, bouncing like a Mexican jumping bean but Piper. I was barely able to snatch her squirmy little body before she bounded out the door after big brother and sister. The little monkey scaled her pen and escaped! I had taped off the gap where she caught her leg so now I'll have to make a lid for the entire pen to keep her in.
From the way she and Bella were behaving when I took them out, she wasn't out for long and they had one hell of a good time! Thank goodness she didn't raid the presents under the tree or get into something in the bathroom. I searched the house but couldn't find any signs of damage or mischief. Lucky break there.
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Passed on the newly instituted family zoom meeting, guess my sis hasn't given up and now my bro is kinda ticked cause I don't do zooms. Typical of familial holiday expectations and disappointments. SMH.
I'm sorry you aren't interested in video chatting with your family, I guess you aren't as close as you might be. We have a Zoom every Sunday with my daughter in VA and my Dad, older sister and her kidults in So Cal. Nice to see and talk to them because there is no way we would see them even yearly otherwise. My younger sister on the other hand, well she's kind of burned some bridges and doesn't even know about the weekly Zoom.

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