BYC Café

Tuesday I did a half bushel of apple sauce (Macintosh apples), and today I got a half bushel of Empires into the dehydrator. The house sure smells nice! :)

We're getting together with our best friends on Saturday. It's our Christmas gathering. It might even be sunny! That would be nice; after lunch we usually take a walk. Sunshine would be very welcome, as we haven't had much in the past few weeks.
It's been don't go out unless fully waterproofed weather here. I bought waterproof over trousers last year and life has been more comfortable since. I can wash the worst of the mud off before I leave the allotments to catch a bus.
I got tired of travelling through the city with soaking wet overall bottoms.
Good morning Cafe. Coffee is ready.

We are warming up here. The snow and ice should all be melted by Saturday.

I have a question for the people with puppy experience: does Piper look too thin or do they go through a gangly puppy stage? She'll be 14 weeks old this Saturday and I am feeding her a little over 10% her body weight of raw food daily. The guidelines for puppies is 8-10% their body weight in food until they reach 1/2 their expected adult weight then you start to slowly drop down the percentage. She's 4.2 # with an expected adult weight of 9-10 pounds. She is bursting with energy and very happy and playful and sleeps with zeal too! So I'm inclined to believe she's just fine but her ribs are easily seen when she's stretching and on the move and her hip bones are visible too.
Here is that last video again I posted that shows what I'm talking about.
ETA: She's also been wormed NINE times since she was born! :eek: Her fecal float was negative on her health certificate exam on 12-10.
This might come too late, but I am just reading back ...

You could try to add some mashed boiled potatoes to her food plus a dollop of real butter.

What drug exactly did her breeder use for deworming? She does look a little bloated to me. So if you haven't dewormed her yet, I would go for it, thoroughly.
And more big hugs for you and your DH. :hugs:hugs

I wondered where you disappeared to.
Hope everything progresses as well as possible.

LaFleche, I'm also sorry to hear of your husbands condition. How is he doing? How are you doing?

So sorry to hear, seem to be lots of problems lately.

LF, hugs to you and DH as he continues to recover.

:hugs to you as well. How is DH doing? How severe are the effects of the stroke and do the doctors expect them to diminish?
Thank you all for your kind words and hugs :)

We are still adjusting to our new life, finding new ways to cope.

DH is doing good and slowly getting better, but the doctors revealed that he already had several other strokes prior to the latest one.
Which in hindsight explains quite a lot of behavioural changes during the last 2 years.

He is now able to eat without choking, walk and talk (in the afternoon it becomes more blurry) and read and hear again (selectively, of course! 😁) and even the handwriting becomes almost readable, still improving.

The physical and other rehab therapy plus the medications help a lot as does his new mindset, and we look to the future with confidence and optimism.
We are grateful and happy as it is, as it could have been much worse.
What drug exactly did her breeder use for deworming?
In this order:
pyrantel pamoate
pyrantel pamoate
pyrantel pamoate
pyrantel pamoate
pyrantel pamoate
So if you haven't dewormed her yet, I would go for it, thoroughly.
Her tummy looked a little bloated in the video because she had just had her huge meal.
I think I saw tapeworm segments in a poop so I'm worming all of them with a pyrantel pamoate/praziquantel combo dewormer today.

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