BYC Café

Does that white spec on the bottom turd look like a tapeworm segment to you?

I had to break up a Bella/Piper play session when Bella shot to her feet crying with Piper dangling from her lip. Speaking of turds...
Not really, did it move?
Thank you all for your kind words and hugs :)

We are still adjusting to our new life, finding new ways to cope.

DH is doing good and slowly getting better, but the doctors revealed that he already had several other strokes prior to the latest one.
Which in hindsight explains quite a lot of behavioural changes during the last 2 years.

He is now able to eat without choking, walk and talk (in the afternoon it becomes more blurry) and read and hear again (selectively, of course! 😁) and even the handwriting becomes almost readable, still improving.

The physical and other rehab therapy plus the medications help a lot as does his new mindset, and we look to the future with confidence and optimism.
We are grateful and happy as it is, as it could have been much worse.
Good to hear!
Good morning Cafe! Thanks for the coffee DL!

Tape worm segments won’t move - they are just a small rectangular egg case segment. While I’m not certain from the photo (and not knowing what else she could eat that might look like that), it’s better safe than sorry.

We have a light dusting of snow coming down here and it feels all cozy once again!


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