BYC Café

FH=Future Husband
Aaahh, FUTURE husband! Thanks. And best wishes! (You congratulate the groom, but extend best wishes to the wife. I read that in a etiquette book years ago.)

One deluge has passed, apron filled but garage is dry.
More to come.
Ooh, be safe!
Good morning Cafe. Coffee is ready.

Nice gentle rain started last night. Still coming down. The ugly stuff is scheduled for this afternoon. Whenever I read 'high' or 'gusty' regarding wind description, I cringe. I hope hotty tree guy is able to get the widow makers down soon.
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Whenever I read 'high' or 'gusty' regarding wind description, I cringe.
I hear ya!

We had copious rain on and off for hours but no wind, just a bit of thunder.
Drains filled but didn't back up, garage is dry and even the drain in chicken run flowed thru as designed.

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