BYC Café

60° and sunny.....enjoyed gorgeously warm
This is how our weather ended today. Tomorrow and Friday will be equally warm with glorious blue skies.
stop at the library for book group and a new pile of books.
What book was covered in the group? Do you buy the books or check them out?

I live in a very small town. We have a little library in an old house. They bought a shed and installed many rows of shelves in there and call it the Book Barn. You can buy a plastic shopping bag full of books for $5. I can usually stuff about 30 books in the bag. That lasts me a while!
When I'm finished with a reasonable size stack of them I just donate them right back to the library to sell again. Yes, I have repurchased books that I've already read!
What book was covered in the group? Do you buy the books or check them out?
Book of essays called Up North in Michigan by Jerry Dennis.
I enjoyed it...made for a bit of interesting discussion in our tiny group.

All books are ordered by our library staff for the 2 main book groups(1 group is about ~12 people, the other is 3-6.) I've been going to one of both of these groups for ~15 years.
the larger group is more interested in gossip politics than reading and discussing the books, so I gave that one up a year or so ago.
They also keep me in a stack of books for my pleasure and I also review books for the librarian as I don't do much besides read non stop...and she doesn't have the time.
I haven't bought books in years, our local library isn't huge(towns population is under 1000) but they have some nice programs for the few that do live here. The county system that's its part of has a half dozen smaller towns. We can also order books the the state side borrowing system.
This kid has a serious ear fetish.

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