BYC Café

Hubby will NOT get rid of any of his books. We built a bookshelf that took up an entire wall to house the stacks of books on the floor. There was a bit of space left. Now we're back to having stacks -- 10? -- three feet high again.

I've been taking some of my once-read books to Goodwill when I go into town. The Goodwill store is close to the grocery store, so I can take an armful fairly often. But it hasn't really made a dent. :rolleyes:
I think, even with reduced books, I still have at least 1000 left over 😳 I used to buy a lot through Ebay or thrift store
Good morning and thanks for the coffee.

I did a massive cleaning of the house yesterday including steam mopping all the floors. Bella had three bloody diarrhea messes on them that I cleaned at 2:30 in the morning. Couldn't fall back to sleep so came out to the couch with my book. Finally got sleepy again around 4:30. I hate it when my sleep gets all messed up like this.
It's finally late enough that I can call my vet to ask for some metronidazole for Bella. She wants to eat so bad but I can't feed her yet.
did you try carrot soup? To make Moro carrot soup, 500 g of peeled carrots are boiled in one liter of water for at least 90 minutes. The carrots are then pureed. The soup is then made up to one liter with boiling water and 3 g of salt, it really has some stuff in it that can stop diarrhea, I use it for chickens and humans too
And an update on Bella. When I look back at the number of times she's had explosive liquid bloody diarrhea, it's at least 6 times in less than 4 years. That's a lot. The vet suggested she might have low intrinsic factor and we could test her for that. I said yes. He gave her an injection of B12 after he drew the blood sample.
The fecal float showed an overgrowth of bacteria as I suspected. And she was negative for giardia so she's on the Metronidazole and eating a bland diet for several days. It will be interesting to see the results of the blood test which, due to the holiday, I will not get until after Thanksgiving week.
My Dobermann was also suceptile to diarrhea, the first Euros I spent, I spent on new years day in an emergency clinic cos she was suffering bloody diarrhea, whenever she had an upset, it got bloody at once 🙄
I love books and can’t throw them away, but have no problems donating them
Same with DW on the first, not happening on the second. We have books galore, some she does reread. BUT! Her parents have the ENTIRE collection of National Geographic monthly magazines. Yes, back to issue 1 in 1888 I think. And when MIL moves to assisted living (or moves on), not expecting that any time soon, DW get the NGs. I have NO IDEA where we will put those shelves.
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