BYC Café

That's our high for today, -4 now.
We're heading up to 25 but with blazing sunshine. That always helps warm up the run and trap heat in there for the day so it shouldn't be too bad for them.
I worry about my older girls and Fabio. They'll be 6 in April.

We had a wind advisory last night.
We had a wind advisory last night.
Did you lose power (well, grid power)?

We're heading up to 25 but with blazing sunshine. That always helps warm up the run and trap heat in there for the day so it shouldn't be too bad for them.
I worry about my older girls and Fabio. They'll be 6 in April.
No sun here, and still spitting snow.

Felt some trepidation about going out to coop this morning, but everyone is alive and seems active enough. I just topped off feed/water, put down some scratch to observe mobility...didn't even try to clean poop board...and hustled back into my warm house.

Might try to start clearing run this afternoon, or may until Wednesday when it warms up a bit. Then I'll have a week to clear things up before the thaw and rain. SMH. :rolleyes:


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Did you lose power (well, grid power)?
I lost grid power for about 2.5 hours. The only way I knew about it is my electric range clock was out.
didn't even try to clean poop board
Same. I'll wait until this afternoon so it won't be so hard to pop it off the boards. I added a little more PDZ yesterday to try to increase the padding to reduce the number of splats that freeze to the board.
to observe mobility
Only 2 hens were off the roost when I fed this morning. Both zipping around just fine but none of the old girls. Although one of the 2 that came out is pushing 5 years.
Started out at -1 this morning, and eventually made it to 13 here. I had the chickens shut into the coop for a few hours. They have a bowl of snow and one of feed in there.

I opened the people door for a few hours this afternoon, and everyone came out when I went in with chickie snack.

They seem to do just fine staying in the coop. With the filter material over the openings, there is no wind in the coop. It might not get up to double digits tomorrow. I'll shut them in and check on them every hour or so; need to do egg checks too.

I'm ready for 20s again!
When we walked out with Freya this morning, the county snowplow was in the farmer's field access road across from our mailbox. He was stuck, and trying to dig himself free. We went back out with shovels, and he said it was a no-go; the blade under the truck was stuck in the hadn't-yet-frozen mud. He had nearly a full load of sand/salt. He was gone later, so the county had something big enough to pull him back out.

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