BYC Café

While I was in Canada, a classmate of mine went to Florida with his family every year the whole April on vacation ( did he have some catching up to do in school when he got back!) boy, how I envied him…. Now, when I read about those hurricanes and the heat, I’m not so envious any more 😅
April is a pleasant month in Florida because summer heat has not started yet and Hurricane season doesn't start until June.
Good morning all, thanks @DobieLover for the coffee back to normal routine with my baby back home. Good luck @LTAY1946 hope you feel better soon, it's 22 her with a high of 51 so not to bad.
Started on another chicken tractor, so we can keep our Silkies separated from the black rose comb bantams. On that note we have three eggs that may be something in them. The babies are 6 weeks old and one is showing signs of being a roster.
Also, if you do it this way you can still have your morning coffee before you go in for Blood work
That's why when I have to go for blood work I drink the "fake" stuff (weak instant coffee NO cream or sugar)
FH got home yesterday afternoon but got "THE CALL" last night that VDot was looking for 6 trucks to go for SNOW DUTY in on the wee early Friday morning hours so yup he's going to go which I don't blame him seeing how SNOW DUTY money is what is going to help us finish getting the vendors set up for the wedding.
I cooked Pork Roast (in crockpot all day), HOMEMADE Mashed Potatoes and Green Beans (French Cut) for dinner last night. I'm not sure what I'm going to have tonight though but I can say that when FH goes in very early AM tomorrow he's going to have bowls upon bowls of leftovers seeing how we're not sure if he'll be home later on Friday or sometime Sat.
Morning Cafe’,

Still below zero this morning, but the weekend is coming, and with it, highs in the 20’s and 30’s for the next week or so.

Went to the wind farm meeting for our neighborhood yesterday. It wasn’t a meeting to discuss whether or not there will be one. It’s coming. There are three companies grabbing land out here. The reps of the company we listened to have been talking to the big farmers in the area since October, getting them signed up to make sure they have enough land (they do). The meeting yesterday was more of a, “This is what’s happening. You can play with us and benefit, or you can opt out, but it will happen with you or without you” conversation. One neighbor said, “We don’t want anyone to be kept in the dark. We think everyone should be informed.” Um, you’re 3 months too late. Keeping everyone informed would have started in October if you meant that.

Sorry. I’ll quit ranting now. Have a great day, Cafe’! Friday’s coming!
Went to the wind farm meeting for our neighborhood yesterday.
We have stayed away from the commercial solar farm township meetings. I bet they are very rancorous, and we want to fly below that kind of radar. The proposals to change the zoning to allow them was voted down, by a wide margin.
Hubby is in Chicago now; he made it safely last night. He's there with other guys from work to do a booth install at a trade show.

He rode with someone, didn't drive. The route is I-96, which skirts Lake Michigan. The day before, they were saying on the new that there were white out conditions, accidents, and a general mess. Some of it might have been closed; not sure about that.

I asked what kind of vehicle Tyler (the driver) had, and hubby said, "Oh, we're taking the company van. Have to, as it has the booth pieces."

The company van. Rear wheel drive, big, tall, wind-catching company van, after dark, no less...? My stress level went way up with that news. But he texted me several times on the way to tell me that the roads were clear, and they got there in "normal" driving time, about 3.5-4 hours. Whew.

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