BYC Café

A balmy 23° out there this morning with 1-2" of new snow to shovel off the path.
Started in on clearing the run, 3 sections done before toes and fingers started to suffer.
Some wire slightly kinked at the curve between roof and walls, but mostly bounced back.
Banging with back of plastic snow shovel from underneath will work but much harder than it's ever been(well, of course dumbsh!t, you let it get too deep!).
Whew, my arms are already tired. Ibuprofen with breakfast before another round of that.
5 days before the warmth and rain comes.
Good morning and thanks for the coffee! Last I looked, it was supposed to be breezy with snow flurries. The High Wind Warning magically stops at the WY border and doesn't cross into CO so, well, there you have it. LOL!
LTAY, I hope your Doc visit gives you something to help with the cough. :hugs
Sally, I am glad DH made it safely. That vehicle would have freaked me out too!
I can hear the breezes starting up again. ~9 AM is their 'witching hour" so morning chores are usually finished up by then in my book, but DH still wants chicken duty and last I looked, he was just getting out of bed. I believe it is called refreshing when the breeze messes with the snow like that. We have one more day and then much nicer weather arrives.
Stay safe and warm, Cafe!
I hear ya! The winds decided to calm down a bit and the temp rose to above freezing, so I have cleared the path to the cars and half of the back porch. I am done for the day as both doors are snow free. I will tackle the rest of the waist high drifts on the weekend. Water glasses raised high! I am a naproxen girl.... :lau
Hey Cafe lidocain girl here.
I get pain now have it alone in tube.
Rare usage.
Most our snow is gone, bit of ice remains.
Would it also help with a wonky hip?! It will be at least 4 month til the 2. Operation. and I can’t use the regular painkillers cos they either make my teeth fall out ( they damage my mucus membranes after 1 day) and Iˋm not allowed to drive if taking opioids 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Well the nurse came in and did a nose swab and then a throat swab... Much to my joy I only have Covid and Strep Throat. I suspected the Strep but Covid come from out of no where. What was even a bigger surprise is that the strain of Covid is nothing compared to Strep Throat. Only sign of Covid is a drippy nose. Having to leave my faucets outside dripping so I have a reminder... Covid is good for something.
Good morning Cafe. Coffee is ready.
Make up day today for work but it's supposed to snow again. Hopefully it all happens after I get there and my road will be plowed by the time I get up the hill. Let's see if the boy shovels the driveway for me or if I have to do it myself when I get home from work.

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