BYC Café

It's rained most of the night here and will warm up nicely and be sunny but that's not fooling me. We are going to get another two nights of hard freezing temps. Some how we will get through it just fine as we always do. It's always the morning chores that are the hardest. What we need to do is win a big fat lottery and the build a 80'x300' long metal barn with skylights and full climate control connected to large individual outdoor runs attached to one end of our house through an enclosed corridor. If you are going to dream dream big.
20 degrees right now. Feels balmy outside. Last night they were forecasting temps in the negative single digits tonight... really?? I hope that changes.

The chickens are really liking the warmer temps. The pullets were lined up, ready to come out this morning. The older ladies were still on the roost, but standing up instead of hunkered down.

I wish the coming warm up weren't going to melt all of hubby's wonderful skiing snow. He'll be back tonight, we'll be at a friend's retirement party tomorrow, and he might be clearing a neighbor's driveway Sunday morning before football.

Cannot miss the football games. The Lions are in the playoffs, and that hasn't happened in 30 years, so this is truly "must see TV" for him.
Not too bad 14° this morning for shoveling another few inches of fresh snow off the path.
Chooks seems to be fine confined for these last 6 days.
Not sure how much more clearing of run I can do today, not too sore overall but have a strained muscle just behind my right hip joint that's rather tender....
....but can't really take too much time off before the rains come.
After the run is done, it'll be clearing the shed roofs which is NOT going to fun or easy.
Having my cup now after making the rounds and taking an inventory of feed in the bins for each of the coops. I'll make a feed run after lunch. 3 bags will get me through until February and maybe longer if the party coming for hens tomorrow night takes all of the layers starting their 2nd laying round. Meanwhile I need to take care of grandma now as she is sick too and most likely has my strep. So far negative for the covid.
Well, had to try...and once I got started I kept going(might regret that later) until a portion of the run was clear enough to open the pop door. They didn't all 'POP' out, tho it grabbed their attention, but I imagine most of them will venture out for a bit soon.

Got a blue egg, very blue, first of the year for the CLB. Thinks 3-5 are laying now.
20 degrees right now. Feels balmy outside. Last night they were forecasting temps in the negative single digits tonight... really?? I hope that changes.

The chickens are really liking the warmer temps. The pullets were lined up, ready to come out this morning. The older ladies were still on the roost, but standing up instead of hunkered down.

I wish the coming warm up weren't going to melt all of hubby's wonderful skiing snow. He'll be back tonight, we'll be at a friend's retirement party tomorrow, and he might be clearing a neighbor's driveway Sunday morning before football.

Cannot miss the football games. The Lions are in the playoffs, and that hasn't happened in 30 years, so this is truly "must see TV" for him.
I hope the Lions go all the way for you. Those durn Cowboys disappointed me just like they been doing for the most part since 1960.
I hope the Lions go all the way for you.
:lau Ok, oh me of little faith! That would be so incredibly, fantastically, phenomenonally, insert-adverb-here, wonderful!

This reminds me of a story...

A man rubbed a lamp, and out popped a genie.
"Wow!" he exclaimed. "Are you a real genie? Do I get 3 wishes?"
"Yes, I'm a real genie! But time are hard and you only get 1 wish."
"I want to live forever!" the man exclaimed.
"No can do," the genie replied. "There are some wishes we are not allow to grant. Pick something else."
The man thought for a moment. Then he said, "I want to live until the Lions win the Superbowl."
"Crafty! And I can do that," said the genie, and vanished in a puff a smoke.

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