BYC Café

Good morning Cafe. Nice hot pot of coffee is ready on this cold morning.

It's 7 out. I didn't bother letting Piper out in this. Just Bella. One more reason I trained her to use an indoor porta potty.

They are going stir crazy. I need to figure out something to do with them. I have to go to the feed store for chicken feed and I'll bring them but that's not enough. Maybe I can bring them to Home Depot and let them loose and we can play 'come catch me' up and down the aisles...
12º here and only going up to 18º by 2pm :( I am still better off then all you in the midwest with the Bone chilling temps !
I think I will follow suit on a POT of coffee instead of a pod.

No puppers here. I almost wanted to stop and look at some on my way home from a Bee convention on the 6th but I remember what it was like when I had a Dane pup and it was February.... it was a good thing I had a covered porch and had him pee on a carpet scrap.
It's a sunny 28° here now and I really need a coffee. I'm wondering how it is going to taste. So many other things taste awful now I'm almost afraid to try it. I need something that will make me feel sober not that I've had anything to drink besides pineapple juice and tea. I feel like I've had something that had been spiked really good.
Good morning all, it's 29 here feal feel of 18.
Please be safe and stay warm my friends.
Worked on the new coop for barley an hour yesterday, and looks like no work till next week. Babies are getting so big, so here's my new addition in progress.


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Good morning and thanks for the coffee! The sun has not come up yet and it is 33F out there. No breeze either. Lovin it!
I guess I will go dig out some firewood and fire up the splitter. It will be nice to be outside in some beautiful weather.
DH and I took MORF shopping yesterday and hung out All Day. Ate both breakfast and lunch out-and-about, including a beer with lunch, but I am sure he needed time away from his thoughts as his MRI showed that the brain tumor is starting to grow back. He sees a real Doc late Feb to decide if, how, and when to treat it.
So, we are going to the Denver Museum of Science and Nature on Tuesday for a full day of travel and fun. I have not been there in eons. DH is whining but he can get over it.
Enjoy the day, Cafe!
Feel better and stay warm!
it is 33F out there. No breeze either. Lovin it!
Must feel like a Hawaiian vacation to you!
his MRI showed that the brain tumor is starting to grow back
This is terrible. Did he have one removed a while ago?
Have a great day at the museum. Live life to it's fullest until you can't, right?

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