BYC Café

Coffee is ready.

We are in the 3 foot area, but we shall see.
Sheesh! I'll be in shorts when I get home today. Highs in the mid-60s and bright sunshine.

The grief share meeting was what I feared. FAR too religion based. This may offend some and if it does, I'm not sorry. I'm not offended if you believe and have faith and you should not be offended if I don't. I never have. I got kicked out of Sunday school for questioning the teacher in class when I was 5. And whether anyone likes it or not, there are a lot of us out there. And a lot of other people who don't believe in Christianity either. Billions of them. I live a good life and do right by others. Better than most from my observations and comments I've heard over the years. I'm not a bad person who needs to be saved. So. Now that's out of the way.

The program consists of a 30 min video on a specific topic with various people sharing their stories about that topic with narrative following. I should not have it shoved down my throat that the only way to recovering from the heart wrenching loss(es) that I've suffered is to accept Jesus as my savior and let Him guide me. I literally squirmed in my seat and had a hell of a time not just getting up right then and there and walking out the door. I will be the one going through this and no one is going to guide me with Divine intervention. I need a platform for discussion and support and it should be non-denominational. Period.

I left the meeting room and waited out in the hall for my sister and the group lead (retired pastor) came out with me after I explained why I was leaving stating "I'm sorry but this format just isn't going to work for me". He then went on and tried to convince me that I should believe all that was said in the video and I politely informed him that he was being disrespectful to my beliefs after I just told him that is what I didn't want either. It took quite a few volleys before he finally realized what he was up against and we just talked about some of what brought me there.

My sis finally came out and collared me and said that she told the other two counselors my beliefs and why I left and they said I should come back to the next meeting but not until after the video is over and they would respect that I don't want or need to have any religion crammed down my throat. So I'll try again next week and see if they will respect it and not go there for me. If they do for the others, I don't care. If it helps the others, I hope they do. It just won't help me.
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GOOD MORNING ALL! Yes it's a VERY GOOD MORNING seeing how FH is off his medical and went to work today. All I can say is MEN are NOT good patients at all!!!!! About to get laundry started seeing how I didn't get a chance to finish it yesterday because of a miserable :duc:rant:mad:. Now don't get me wrong I love him but when he's home for more than a day or the weekend he gets too be too much and just likes to supervise then say "that's not how my Mom did it or the way my Sister does it" or he says "well seeing how you have finished that you can go do this or that NOW"

@DobieLover I am very sorry you have to deal with the people who like to cram religion down throats. Yes, I believe there is a Higher Power up there but I don't press it unto others. I personally send you hugs and will lend you a shoulder to cry on or a pillow to scream into if you need it.
Coffee is ready.

Sheesh! I'll be in shorts when I get home today. Highs in the mid-60s and bright sunshine.

The grief share meeting was what I feared. FAR too religion based. This may offend some and if it does, I'm not sorry. I'm not offended if you believe and have faith and you should not be offended if it don't. I never have. I got kicked out of Sunday school for questioning the teacher in class when I was 5. And whether anyone likes it or not, there are a lot of us out there. And a lot of other people who don't believe in Christianity either. Billions of them. I live a good life and do right by others. Better than most from my observations and comments I've heard over the years. I'm not a bad person who needs to be saved. So. Now that's out of the way.

The program consists of a 30 min video on a specific topic with various people sharing their stories about that topic with narrative following. I should not have it shoved down my throat that the only way to recovering from the heart wrenching loss(es) that I've suffered is to accept Jesus as my savior and let Him guide me. I literally squirmed in my seat and had a hell of a time not just getting up right then and there and walking out the door. I will be the one going through this and no one is going to guide me with Divine intervention. I need a platform for discussion and support and it should be non-denominational. Period.

I left the meeting room and waited out in the hall for my sister and the group lead (retired pastor) came out with me after I explained why I was leaving stating "I'm sorry but this format just isn't going to work for me". He then went on and tried to convince me that I should believe all the was said in the video and I politely informed him that he was being disrespectful to my beliefs after I just told him that is what I didn't want either. It took quite a few volleys before he finally realized what he was up against and we just talked about some of what brought me there.

My sis finally came out and collared me and said that she told the other two counselors my beliefs and why I left and they said I should come back to the next meeting but not until after the video is over and they would respect that I don't want or need to have any religion crammed down my throat. So I'll try again next week and see if they will respect it and not go there for me. If they do for the others, I don't care. If it helps the others, I hope they do. It just won't help me.

You have the right to your beliefs and they should be honor them.
Coffee is ready.

Sheesh! I'll be in shorts when I get home today. Highs in the mid-60s and bright sunshine.

The grief share meeting was what I feared. FAR too religion based. This may offend some and if it does, I'm not sorry. I'm not offended if you believe and have faith and you should not be offended if it don't. I never have. I got kicked out of Sunday school for questioning the teacher in class when I was 5. And whether anyone likes it or not, there are a lot of us out there. And a lot of other people who don't believe in Christianity either. Billions of them. I live a good life and do right by others. Better than most from my observations and comments I've heard over the years. I'm not a bad person who needs to be saved. So. Now that's out of the way.

The program consists of a 30 min video on a specific topic with various people sharing their stories about that topic with narrative following. I should not have it shoved down my throat that the only way to recovering from the heart wrenching loss(es) that I've suffered is to accept Jesus as my savior and let Him guide me. I literally squirmed in my seat and had a hell of a time not just getting up right then and there and walking out the door. I will be the one going through this and no one is going to guide me with Divine intervention. I need a platform for discussion and support and it should be non-denominational. Period.

I left the meeting room and waited out in the hall for my sister and the group lead (retired pastor) came out with me after I explained why I was leaving stating "I'm sorry but this format just isn't going to work for me". He then went on and tried to convince me that I should believe all the was said in the video and I politely informed him that he was being disrespectful to my beliefs after I just told him that is what I didn't want either. It took quite a few volleys before he finally realized what he was up against and we just talked about some of what brought me there.

My sis finally came out and collared me and said that she told the other two counselors my beliefs and why I left and they said I should come back to the next meeting but not until after the video is over and they would respect that I don't want or need to have any religion crammed down my throat. So I'll try again next week and see if they will respect it and not go there for me. If they do for the others, I don't care. If it helps the others, I hope they do. It just won't help me.
I hope it’s a better experience for you when you try the “after the video” approach.

It will be in the 60s here again today, too. Makes it hard to want to stay in and clean house (it needs to be done - DS2 and family are coming for the weekend. I spent some time yesterday cleaning out the remains of the garden shed that got squished by a tree during a bad storm a couple of years ago. We spent most of that summer doing so much cleanup around our place and my mom’s. The shed was not a priority. We’re home this summer, and I have a vision for our area at the end of the property on the edge of “our” little lake. I want to get some good, no maintenance lawn/patio chairs, put in a fire pit and park the camper down there. It’s about 400 yards from my house, so easy access!

Have a Happy Wednesday, everyone!
I don't mind religious discussions of this type with adults with some life experience, ie, 40ish or older:

How did you come to believe what you believe?

When I reached out to my 95 year old uncle (I hadn't talked to him in about 30 years, long story), one of the questions I asked him was, "Do you believe in God?"

He said, "Of course not!" His answer was in the same tone as if I'd asked him, "Do you believe in Santa Claus?"

He had been in the Air Force at the end of WWII, and spent several years in Korea in that conflict. I wanted to ask him if what he saw over there convinced him that there was no God? Or was it a rational process?

But Covid came along, I didn't go visit, and he passed.

@DobieLover, I hope you find peace and healing.
I need a platform for discussion and support and it should be non-denominational.
You might be probably be better off with a private counselor.
Maybe the hospice can make a recommendation.
Most support groups, and the general population, are religion centric.
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