BYC Café

Good morning and thanks for the hot coffee! 23F and 60 mph gusts = a bit chilly out there. Sadly, I have to go help with the fish stocking at 9:30 and I doubt it will be much warmer.
Our power came back on around midnight. A lot of trees are down in the area this time; we have one to clean up.
Magpies are still hanging in there doing okay with all of this weather nonsense. The little birds were cold and hungry this morning because I had a feeder full of birds hanging on before I even had it out of my hand and hung up properly, lol! Bears, ya know = don't leave the feeders out overnight!
Anyway, off to lunch with my SIL after the fish stocking so I hope they behave and don't splash water on me, or I don't fall in the lake, or get sucked down into the muck! Don't ask how I know these things...:old
Enjoy the day, Cafe! Be safe!
Well, things have come to a head with my insurance, my Dr. and my pain.
My insurance finally explained that even though a request was submitted by my provider to expedite the appeal review, because I called in an appeal, they won't discuss it with the provider. But then told me that the only way something will get expedited is if it's a life or death issue. Scumbags.
I finally spoke to the PA for my Dr today and explained to her that the Tramadol that was called in doesn't really help, told her that inverting on the Teeter table causes immediate severe pain when it should be providing relief, that I am in horrible pain after the Vicodin I've taken wears off and the only thing that has really helped has been the courses of step down steroids but as soon as I'm done with them, the pain starts to build back up again.
I told her that I have one more course that I'm saving for vacation but that I have to go up a full flight of steps to get to the house because it's on piers and I'm leaving Saturday. She made an emergency appointment for me to see the Dr. this Friday and 1:45 and she said as soon as we get authorization, she will find a way to get me in instead of going on the regular booking that would have me waiting over 2 months for the injection.
When I left work, I got stuck in the parking lot just outside the building. It was pure agony. A friend of mine came up behind me and asked if I needed help which I took because I was literally in tears. Hugely embarrassing. He helped me to a picnic table, got his vehicle and drove me to my vehicle. Then I had to call my nephew meet me to help me into the house when I got home.
I've taken another Vicodin and am waiting for it to kick in but he helped me take care of all the critters before he left.
She made an emergency appointment for me to see the Dr. this Friday and 1:45 and she said as soon as we get authorization, she will find a way to get me in instead of going on the regular booking that would have me waiting over 2 months for the injection.
Sure hope this happens, and that the shot works instantly.
:fl :fl :fl

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