BYC Coffee House

I love the BYC Cafe!

I went kayaking today down Bear Camp river and when I came out on the lake a thunder storm rolled in. I saw a bolt of lightening and started paddling as fast as I could. My arms and shoulders hurt!
So a few months ago DH buys some small turkeys, the frozen kind, on sale. He decided we should have a Thanksgiving type dinner tonight. So it's 102 and I am painting the porch and making Thanksgiving dinner. But it sure was a good dinner, now I'm tired from painting and have a full tummy and that turkey nap is closing in

Hey all! I like coffee
And, I don't have much more to say! Except that I'm going to the Harry potter movie premier tomorrow!
Thanksgiving Turkey in July sounds great! Will there be pumpkin or pecan pie?

Let's see.... moneys tight... what else is new? Ohhh... I had to buy oxine on-line. Went to 2 feed stores and they didn't carry it! I am excited that I am about to get my Marek's vaccine tomorrow. Anyone want to help vaccinate 40 birds?

Went to my friend Nancy's house, she lives on an acre and has 200+ birds. It is always a hoot to go out there and watch her baby Moscovy's and her heritage goats and pigs!

Made a friends day by going shopping. I also am very worried about a cat I saw at a friends house. And even though I am broke, I want to pony up 42 bucks to vaccinate it and deworm the poor thing. It has scars everywhere from a rough life. I even told my friend that it can live here on the farm if it wanted to. I can always use a ratter! Cat's name is Raza and super neglected!

Ummm... I am taking Aleve NSAID OTC. I don't think it works. I have arthrhitis from an active life style I guess.... Is there another OTC that works better for arthrhitis?

That's it!
Woke up 1 hr early this morning to start the chores outside. I have been having to catch the 6 turkeys and put them in another pen during the day. They have been flying out of their fenced area (can clear a 5 foot fence with no problem) and walking all around the yard and going into the street. When I returned home from work 2 days ago, the neighbor 's daughter(best neighbors in the world) was standing in the yard with a stick keeping them at bay until I returned home. She said that they were in the street and on an empty lot and she ran them back on the property. I really don't want to clip their wings because I enjoy seeing them fly when I am home. So, I have decided to just catch them and pen them in another pen during the day and let them out when I get home. It was so hot out there this morning.

*pausing a minute to take a sip of hot green tea and bite a piece of toast.*

Well after coming in and cleaning up, I took off for work. I looked at my phone and I noticed that I had a missed call from a co-worker, which was VERY unusual because she usually texts me. I knew that it was important, so I called her back. Well, turns out, she had a flat tire and she needed a ride to work (we are about 30 minutes from work). So, I went to pick her up. Had to drop off an egg order this morning at a customer's house. So, we made it to work about 8:07am.

Looks cloudy outside. 30% chance of rain.

Only 1 more day until the weekend. I'm on vacation next week and I look forward to sleeping late. Late to me is not getting up until 7:00AM to go out and open the coops.

I didn't bring lunch today, so I don't know what I'll be eating. Perhaps, I have some leftovers in the refrigerator here at work that I can eat.

How's everyone's morning going so far?
Woke up at around 5:30 this morning, went out and released the Turkeys, a broody hen with her chicks, and my waterfowl. Then I went to get browse for the goats and when I came back my brother (Amigo) was holding the hens chicks looking for the hen. I put the browse down, looked around, turns out that she was hanging out with the rooster and some other hens preening, so I put her back with her chicks, they were happy. Then my brother put the Turkeys and waterfowl (1 gander, Gabby, and 4 ducks) back while I distributed the browse.

Then me and my brother came in and went on a 15 mile flat ride with our Daddy. When we came home we watched the Tour de France stage 13. Then we had a meal of steak, goat fetta cheese, salted tomatoes, yellow squash, and cucumber salad
. Now I'm here talking with you while watching Gabby entertain.

*drinks two sips of English Breakfast black tea*

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