BYC Contest FAQ (Frequently Ask Questions) Discussion Thread


BYC Staff
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Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Jun 24, 2012
The Golden State
This is the BYC Contest FAQ (Frequently Ask Questions) Discussion thread for this article:
BYC Contest FAQ

BYC Contest FAQ

BYC Contest FAQ (Frequently Ask Questions) Where are contests? Most BYC-sponsored contests are held in the Official BYC Contests, Etc. & Caption Contests forums. Who can enter contests? Most BYC-sponsored contests are open to all BYC members. However, there are some contests where you must be...

Check out the article, and let me know if you have any questions or suggestions!

Thanks for looking. :D
Why do some contest rules say "Images that have been resized might be disqualified if they are too small to judge." But it doesn't say what size they need to be?
Even your article doesn't give the answer.

And as a second part I heard if your pic is too small or other things that get your entry disqualified that you're just taken out of the contest but not notified.
Why? It would seem we'd like to know so we could fix the issue or at least know what we did wrong to avoid it in the future.
And as a second part I heard if your pic is too small or other things that get your entry disqualified that you're just taken out of the contest but not notified.
Why? It would seem we'd like to know so we could fix the issue or at least know what we did wrong to avoid it in the future.

I can't speak for the BYC staff on this, but as someone who enters a lot of photo contests and also judges a lot of them, I can tell you that this is normal. The only time I ever hear back in a contest is if I won something. Some sites will send bulk notices to contest participants like "Your photo finished in the top 10%", or "your photo did not finish in the top 50%", but those are dedicated photography sites and have invested time and money into their contest system because they're givng away cash and gear and it's big money. BYC isn't at that level.

I don't feel like it's appropriate for me to speculate on the first part, that's why I left it out. Hopefully we'll have a better picture there (pun intended) soon.
I can't speak for the BYC staff on this, but as someone who enters a lot of photo contests and also judges a lot of them, I can tell you that this is normal. The only time I ever hear back in a contest is if I won something. Some sites will send bulk notices to contest participants like "Your photo finished in the top 10%", or "your photo did not finish in the top 50%", but those are dedicated photography sites and have invested time and money into their contest system because they're givng away cash and gear and it's big money. BYC isn't at that level.

I don't feel like it's appropriate for me to speculate on the first part, that's why I left it out. Hopefully we'll have a better picture there (pun intended) soon.
I'm not sure that has anything to do with what I was trying to ask.
Like with the size thing. Someone said you can't crop a pic too much or it'll not meet the minimum size requirement.
I don't see anywhere where it states the minimum size it can be. I was then told if it was too small it would just be disqualified and I'd never know it was because when pics are disqualified for any reason that's how it works.
It seems if a pic was too small they could tell you so you'd know and either resize it or redo it without cropping past what was acceptable.
Or at least know for the next contest.
I could be getting disqualified over and over and not even be aware that just doesn't seem right.
I honestly don't know what else could get a entry disqualified but it seems it would be helpful to know so someone wasn't making the same mistake contest after contest and be clueless.
I wasn't expecting any contact for someone that just didn't win or do well.

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