BYC Member Interview - City farm - **UPDATE 07-07-21 page 4**


Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Premium Feather Member
8 Years
Jun 28, 2011
Dephane, known to BYC members as City farm, has been a member of our community since June 2012. Another of our wonderful all rounders, she is known for her friendliness and good advice.

1. Tell us a bit more about yourself.

Hello, from the desert. We have a large extended family threw out the world. Married to a amazing husband & fabulous kid's. I volunteer as a community leader, event planner & love to help others. Whether it be praying with friends or hanging by the Bon fire we are always praising God for these amazing blessings & talking about our flock.

Our family likes mountain biking, camping and being outdoors. Gardening is so relaxing along with being on BYC. We love when friends pop on over for tea in the garden. My favourite sentence is "I have a free plant for you". Along with "let me take you out to lunch."

2. Why and when did you start keeping chickens?

When I told my girlfriend that really got me into chickens that I was doing this interview, she said that I need to call her Madame X. But we all know her real name it's Cheryl. Both sides of my family for generations were raised with poultry. Our generation was not taught where & how to get your food, it is important to me to teach & carry on the stories. Living in a city it seemed bizarre to have poultry. My dad chucles as he reminds me of the time when his neighbor had to dispense a chicken. He was raised in Europe. They didn't hold on to it well enough, so up flew a headless chicken to the top of the barn. They looked at each other and said "who's going to climb up there and get that!"

I'm sure most of us on BYC get the question asked, "Are we eating your chickens?" Huh.. If they only knew.

3. Which aspect(s) of chicken keeping do you enjoy the most?

We love our flock so that we can have organic farm fresh eggs.

Along with meeting new friends on BYC and getting together for potlucks & evenings by the bonfire.

Gallo Del Cielo started a BYC seed exchange. It's a great excuse to get together to talk garden & chicken. Plus there's nothing like a new mama hen running around teaching the little ones how to search for food.

4. Which members of your flock, past and present, stand out for you and why?

Right now our favorite hens are Claire & Cheryl.

Whenever we have anybody interested in starting a flock of their own, we bring out Cheryl. She will follow us around. You can pick her up so easy, cause she can't see with all the feathers around her eyes. She looks like a kitty/chicken, being a silkie and all.. My husband tell's people that she is a pigmy emu.

5. What was the funniest (chicken related) thing(s) that happened to you in your years as chicken owner?

We have so many funny stories we don't know where to begin. But the best is when passer-bys are walking by & stop to look in the front yard. They hear the ducks quacking along with the sign that's from the National Wildlife Federation. It's a plaque that explains this property provides 4 basic habitat elements needed for wildlife to thrive. If I can catch them while they're out there admiring the ducks they have lot's of questions. Most often they ask, "Don't they fly away?" I let them know that they are "highly trained ducks". I try to hold a straight face for as long as I can, then explain to them. They're not migrating ducks. I also let them know that they understand other languages. I call out to them "treat, or bug" and they come running..

6. Beside chickens, what other pets do you keep?

We have cats and dogs.

7. Anything you'd like to add?

If anyone is ever passing through pop on over for tea in the garden. Any prayer requests private message me.

See here for more about the interview feature and a complete list of member interviews:
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Very nice interview, thanks for sharing your stories. You certainly have some beautiful photographs!
Thanks for sharing, DePhane!
Awe, thank's guy's.. it's the flock that made this happen, well & whoever suggested us for nomination..
Our German shepard really want's to chase our almost 20 year old kitty.. i was so happy that the photo was a good one. .:frow
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