BYC Member Interview - Hope Hughes. ** UPDATE 03-24-24 page 6 **



Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Premium Feather Member
8 Years
Jun 28, 2011
Hope, known to BYC members as Hope Hughes, has been a member of our community since April, 2017. One of our BYC Friends, she will most often be found in the Social sections, chatting with friends and welcoming new members.

1. Tell us a bit more about yourself.


I was born and raised in the Florida Keys. I am the youngest ( 13 years different, I'm the oops baby lol) of 3.


I am married to my amazing partner in crime! He is the best husband I could ever ask for. He is the one that actually started the chicken adventure in our house. He ENCOURAGES me to keep hatching and getting more chickens and animals...I actually have to tell HIM no!

When I met my husband we were still living in the keys, we moved to central Florida for 2 years. And then decided to move to Oklahoma to see his family and aim for the country life. We only lasted 3 years in Oklahoma and I am so happy to say we are back in Florida! It is more country here in FL then in Oklahoma, who would have thought? We bought 40 acres in North Florida about a year ago and started the moving process!


We try to live off the land as much as we can. When we first moved to Oklahoma we didn't buy meat or veggies for a year and lived completely off the land (well as much as we could) We hunt and fish for our meat and garden for the rest. We are trying to get back to that way of life here in Florida.


I have 2 AMAZING little girls. My oldest just turned 2 and my baby is now 5 1/2 months. They grow way too fast!!

We have an Airboat business so I am a stay at home mom for the time being. And get to enjoy teaching and raising the littles off the land.

2. Why and when did you start keeping chickens?


When: We had talked about having chickens since 2012 but we didnt actually get any until 2014. It all started with 6 from TSC. And then we added a few more... then a few more... and before we knew it we had about 75 in just a few months :eek: My husband listened to the sales guy when he said "you should get her a few extra because some of them may die" yea that didnt happen! Every single one lived lol

Why: who wouldnt want to keep these cute fuzz butts!!!?! They are so entertaining and all different. And you get yummy eggs out of the deal too.. and of course some meat from time to time.

3. Which aspect(s) of chicken keeping do you enjoy the most?

It used to be just the love the chickens showed me when coming home from work or feeding them their favorite treets. Now, the look on my daughters face when she is outside with them and feeding them.


They are very therapeutic and fun to watch and have around. And their sounds are the best!

4. Which members of your flock, past and present, stand out for you and why?


Smalls, is our momma. She is a Partridge Bantam Cochin. She is our Hatcher and best momma ever! She is so sweet. She is from our original flock from 2014, and she is still going strong!


Blue, (named after Blue the Raptor in Jurassic Park she ran just like them! I love JP!) She was a Dorking Game Hen. She is from our original flock as well, but unfortunately we lost her this year due to a hawk :hit She would always jump up on my shoulders, lap or arms just to cuddle! I miss her.


Marlin, I think he is a EE but could be wrong. He was in the "Pan Fry" cage at Orchlens. He is the best rooster ever! He lets us hold him from time to time. Lets the kids pet him, eat out of our hands and best of all an awesome protector for the ladies and babies.

5. What was the funniest (chicken related) thing(s) that happened to you in your years as chicken owner?

Oh geeze I don't know there are so many things!! I think my husband picking up a broody hen and it pooping all down the front on him.

Our bird dog playing tag with the roosters and one of our hens (I have a video of that somewhere) There are just too many to name!

6. Beside chickens, what other pets do you keep?

Beside the 27+ chickens, we have 6 ducks, 50 Quial, 16 Guinea, 5 cats and 4 dogs. We have a mad house! All but two of our animals (cats and dogs) are rescued.


This is Dixie. He (we though was a she, oops) was a rescue. I was sitting in a hammock on the beach across the street from my house and he was this tiny little kitten and he tried to jump up in the hammock with me and was just hanging by a claw....I couldnt leave him there after that!! There were 4 other kittens but he was the only one that would come to us the others hid with their momma. He is about 13 years old now! He is my favorite old man!


This is Patches. (Note my husband hates cats :lol: ) My husband brought this little girl home from coworking, his barn cat had them, when we lived in central FL, in his welding helmet. She was so tiny you could almost close her in your hand. She was the only calico and the only one with a tail. Her brother and sisters all looked like the Bob cat dad. No one wanted her. So my husband, being the amazing man he is brought her home to me!


This is Camie, I got her from a cat rescue clinic. She is frisky and crazy!


Here are the pain in the butts...I mean the dogs ;)

Poncho is my husband's (mean little sucker!) He is truly a survivor. He has been shot, swallowed hooks, run over and who knows what else.

Misty is mine she is about 13. I got her around the same time as Dixie rescued from a box at a bait and tackle shop. We ended up with her brother too, my mom had him. He just passed away 2 weeks ago :(

Lily is our bird dog (expensive -_-) She is a Boykin Spaniel. She is an amazing duck retriever.

Zeus (after the original Magnum P.I.) is the newest addition, only being about 6 months old and still growing! He is a registered Doberman. He is so sweet! He is our girls' dog.

7. Anything you'd like to add?

I love being outdoors. I also love to travel, off roading, mudding, photographing, crafts, and gardening.

I hope you enjoyed if your are still reading. I'm sure there is so much stuff I forgot, but I am Not the best writer. My husband is better at putting it all on paper. I'm the photographer in the family!

Thanks for reading and Thanks to those of suggested me for the interview :hugs I'm glad I'm thought of! *ignore the bad grammar and spelling!!!!*

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