BYC Member Interview - iluveggers


Come say hello to @Iluveggers ! She's been a member since June 2021 and comes to us from New York.

1. Tell us a bit more about yourself. And is there a story behind your member name?
I am a wife, mom, teacher, and avid gardener along with taking care of my dogs and chickens. Iā€™d rather be home in my yard than anywhere else in the world! Iā€™m not the best writer, especially when talking about myself, so I hope I donā€™t bore anyone!

My screen name came about because one of my favorite parts of keeping chickens is collecting all the different colors of eggs that are out there, and Easter Eggers have so much varietyā€¦I love them! šŸ˜Š

2. Why and when did you start keeping poultry?
I grew up in the city and was never exposed to animals. After getting married to a wonderful man who grew up on a farm, my interest in nature began with a small raised bed, and turned into a huge garden.

A few years ago, I was asked to chicken sit for a few friends who were going away on summer trips. I found myself sitting in their yard with the chickens and my coffee in the morning, and I would go over early enough to let them out for a bit in the evening before locking them up for the night. I was hooked!

After hearing that some of DHā€™s family members wanted to get the farm up & running again slowly, I jumped right in and offered to raise the new baby chicks each year and help out with coop clean out and flock maintenance.

This summer, we finally got our own flock of 10 on my property (and I still help at the farm). There is no better activity to feel calm and bring a sense of peace than sitting out in the garden with my ladies. I suffer a bit from ADHD and get overwhelmed and overstimulated easily, and the chickens have done wonders as needed.

3. Which aspects of poultry keeping do you enjoy the most?
I enjoy just sitting and watching them. Hearing their happy coos, watching them preen and dust bathe, and laughing when the move their feet during what we call ā€œthe forage danceā€ (it looks like a little shuffle!)

I enjoy them so much that I added a hatching chicks unit to my classroom complete with science, math, social studies and writing cross-curricular activities. My students live in the city, and I wish I had been exposed to animals at a young age, so I hope that the short exposure peaks some of their future interest!

4. Which members of your flock, past and present, stand out for you and why?
One Barred Rock farm hen Basil, is my absolute favorite. She knows me and will come over for a pat or to sit on my lap whenever I am there. She was bold but not pushy as a chick, and helped my confidence when it came to picking up and handling chicks which she never seemed to mind.
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Currently my Sussex, Little Roser, is probably my favorite chicken. She is tiny, spunky but kind, has tons of personality, very friendly but independent, and makes the funniest faces! I worried she wouldnā€™t get any speckles or tail feathers as it took her awhile to grow them in, but now she is covered in adorable speckling!

(no speckles in this pic!)
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Speckled now!
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5. What was the funniest poultry related thing that has happened to you in your years as an owner?
I thought I had done a great job at securing our new batch of chicks in an XL dog crate lined with cardboard about 2 feet up the sides. After about a week of adjustment, we went out to the store. When we got back, I went in to check on them, and must have startled one of my Easter Eggers, who jumped up to the top of the cardboard lining and squeezed through the tiny rungs of the crate. My son and I chased her around for a good 20 minutes before catching her. She is not a flighty bird now, but I will always remember this tiny chick contorting her body into a pancake to get out of that crate!

6. Beside poultry, what other pets do you keep?
I always like to rescue dogs. Have owned 5 so far over the past 20 years or so. We try to keep at least 2 at all times. Those who have passed on have lived 13-14 years.

Eventually, I would like ducks or guineas, but cannot have them on our current property. Might be a possibility of expansion on the farm. Possibly goats or rabbits as well. I love animals!

7. Anything you'd like to add?
As a new nervous chicken keeper, BYC was a lifesaver. To get reassurance on care, answers to questions, ideas for coops & runs & predator proofing, along with spending online time helpful members who spend their time helping others. I really owe the health & well-being of my flocks to everyone on BYC! Thanks so much everyone for sharing your experience and knowledge with so many people!


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Thanks for sharing a few details! I thoroughly enjoyed reading your interview and it's nice to feel I know you a little better now.

Little Roser is stunning!

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