BYC Member Interview - MandaRae


BYC Staff
Premium Feather Member
10 Years
Dec 12, 2013

Come say hello to Manda! She's been a member since January 2019 and comes to us from Pennsylvania.

1. Tell us a bit more about yourself. And is there a story behind your member name?
Well my member name is a boring reason, it's my real name haha. And my name is actually Manda not Amanda 😁

2. Why and when did you start keeping poultry?
Well my husband and i had a few chickens when we first got married but we move states and rented so we didn't get them again for almost 15yrs later. Currently we've gotten back into it since 2019.

3. Which aspects of poultry keeping do you enjoy the most?
Oh man that's a hard one. I love how fun the chickens are and how they come running their fluffy little butts for snacks. I love the colorful eggs and different breeds. I absolutely love hatching chicks, it's so much fun! Having fresh eggs is the bonus.

4. Which members of your flock, past and present, stand out for you and why?
In the past I would say my Orpington Henny Penny, GLW Ruby & my Speckled Sussex Hazel they were such a friendly chickens. Would come right up to me for pets and sit on me. They were our first chickens when we got back into it & we also raised them up from chicks. Currently I would say my EE Luna & my Legbar Sage. Luna is super sweet and friendly. Sage is a little skittish but is so pretty.

5. What was the funniest poultry related thing that has happened to you in your years as an owner?
I would say having the chickens perch on my shoulders because I never knew chickens did that and it's hilarious. I also think they look hilarious when they molt even though I feel bad for them while they are naked lol

6. Beside poultry, what other pets do you keep?
We have a cat named Summer & Dutch Rabbit named Skye aka Bunbun. We have a few aquariums with fish. We have also owned parrots in the past I miss them. We plan to get goats eventually and a dog once the kids are older.

7. Anything you'd like to add?
I really enjoy the experience of owning our chickens. It has been fun an educational. A great addition to our little homestead and we have plan to get more land eventually. They really are a gateway animal lol I want all the livestock now. We love to garden and they are a huge help with tilling and pest control.
We have really enjoyed having them and I've really enjoyed being part of the community in Backyard Chickens.

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For more information about the interview feature and a complete list of member interviews:

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Come say hello to Manda! She's been a member since January 2019 and comes to us from Pennsylvania.

1. Tell us a bit more about yourself. And is there a story behind your member name?
Well my member name is a boring reason, it's my real name haha. And my name is actually Manda not Amanda 😁

2. Why and when did you start keeping poultry?
Well my husband and i had a few chickens when we first got married but we move states and rented so we didn't get them again for almost 15yrs later. Currently we've gotten back into it since 2019.

3. Which aspects of poultry keeping do you enjoy the most?
Oh man that's a hard one. I love how fun the chickens are and how they come running their fluffy little butts for snacks. I love the colorful eggs and different breeds. I absolutely love hatching chicks, it's so much fun! Having fresh eggs is the bonus.

4. Which members of your flock, past and present, stand out for you and why?
In the past I would say my Orpington Henny Penny, GLW Ruby & my Speckled Sussex Hazel they were such a friendly chickens. Would come right up to me for pets and sit on me. They were our first chickens when we got back into it & we also raised them up from chicks. Currently I would say my EE Luna & my Legbar Sage. Luna is super sweet and friendly. Sage is a little skittish but is so pretty.

5. What was the funniest poultry related thing that has happened to you in your years as an owner?
I would say having the chickens perch on my shoulders because I never knew chickens did that and it's hilarious. I also think they look hilarious when they molt even though I feel bad for them while they are naked lol

6. Beside poultry, what other pets do you keep?
We have a cat named Summer & Dutch Rabbit named Skye aka Bunbun. We have a few aquariums with fish. We have also owned parrots in the past I miss them. We plan to get goats eventually and a dog once the kids are older.

7. Anything you'd like to add?
I really enjoy the experience of owning our chickens. It has been fun an educational. A great addition to our little homestead and we have plan to get more land eventually. They really are a gateway animal lol I want all the livestock now. We love to garden and they are a huge help with tilling and pest control.
We have really enjoyed having them and I've really enjoyed being part of the community in Backyard Chickens.


















For more information about the interview feature and a complete list of member interviews:


Very interesting review.

Welcome @MandaRae
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