BYC Member Interview - SilverBirds


BYC Staff
Premium Feather Member
10 Years
Dec 12, 2013

Come say hello to Ella! She's been a member since March 2022 and comes to us from South Carolina.

1. Tell us a bit more about yourself. And is there a story behind your member name?
My name is Ella and I’m a born and raised South Carolinian.

Ever since I was young I’ve always loved animals, the great outdoors, and the prospect of farm life. One of my earliest memories is of my dad teaching me how to garden in our suburban backyard.

My chickens are one of my main hobbies. For the past several years, it’s mostly been hobby hatching and enjoying a mixed flock, but I would like to start a new with 2-5 breeds and start breeding for standard. I also love photography, kayaking, hiking, traveling (when I can), puzzles, cooking, and gardening.

Pictures of my garden.


Colorado Mountains.

2. Why and when did you start keeping chickens? (or any other poultry you have)
I started my chicken-raising journey nearly eight years ago. At the time, I was still living in a quiet neighborhood. I don’t recall exactly what led us to get chickens, most likely the idea of fresh eggs and being more self-sufficient, but we did. Got the coop built, then headed to our local Tractor Supply where we bought 5 Barred Rocks, 2 RSL,and 2 Leghorns. We lost 2 of the Barred Rock chicks the first week (looking back, due to pasty butt) and 2 more of them turned out to be roos, as well as one of the Leghorns, meaning our first flock consisted of 4 birds. Moo (BR), Butterscotch (RSL), Penny (RSL), and Chip (Leghorn).

Fast forward, after multiple complaints about our chickens and beehives, we moved from the suburbs to a little house on 20+ acres. It was a dream come true! With all of the space we now had, I fell victim to chicken math and ordered a variety of 20 chicks in the mail, was given 8 laying hens from one person, 2 Serama roos from another, and bought 3 more Serama hens, bringing our flock number to 30+. Over the past few years, our farm family has grown to include pigs, goats, ducks, and more.

3. Which aspects of poultry keeping do you enjoy the most?
While I enjoy all parts of chicken keeping, one of my all-time favorite things is hatching. It never gets old counting down the days until hatch like a child counting down the days till Christmas, anxiously waiting for your eggs to start pipping, and overall joy of having the eggs finally hatch.


4. Which members of your flock, past and present, stand out for you and why?
I love all of my chickens, but there are a few individuals that have stuck out more than others. My very first chickens, probably the most. Moo and Penny, the last remaining two of my original flock, have been such great teachers these last eight years to me and my flock additions.

Moo at 8 years old.

Penny who is 7 1/2. Old as she is, she's started laying eggs daily again for the past two months.

And then there are the Seramas. My Seramas have always had a special place in my heart. On a whole, they are some of the sweetest, most patient birds I’ve owned. They are favorites for visitors, who are always asking if they are still babies or wanting to hold them. A few pictures of some of them.

Rusty & Dusty were my very first roosters. They were the sweetest guys to their hens and to all the kids. The two also had a special bond with each other.

The majority of my Seramas are descendants of Mini Moo. She was a good mother.

Jordyn is the sneakiest broody I've ever had. She's always finding new places to make a nest. I've found her under log piles, in the goat pen, in a box of nails, and many more spots with a clutch of eggs.

6. Beside poultry, what other pets do you keep?
Growing up my family had many pets. This had a huge impact on my life and shaped me into the animal loving person I am today. I'll try and keep it simple with the animals I currently have.

Charlie and Lola, bother and sister beagles.


The cats Jasper and Demetri. Both of them are excellent mousers.

My three sweet budgies, Tsunami, Cosmo, and Luna.

The four goats. Three are Nigerians Dwarf (Buckwheat, Gilbert, and Nigel) and one is an Pygmy (Phil). Pictured are Buckwheat (brown), Gilbert (multi colored closest to the front) and Nigel (the guy hiding in the back).

I have a few small mammals as well. Mochi (Chinchilla), Koda (G-pig) and two rabbits, Pancake (pictured) and Potato.

Also have three beehives.

7. Anything you'd like to add?
I wish I had joined this site years ago. Oh well, at least I'm here now! This is an amazing community filled with so many fun and knowledgeable members. The people of BYC have helped me more times than I can count, and for that I would like to say thank you.


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