BYC members in Massachusetts?

I am planning on it. Not sure if I will show or not. But will go to buy and see all of the gorgeous chickens.
Does anyone near me in MA near Norton keep chickens on grass, either in a backyard or in a pasture? I know most keep hens in a secure pen, due to predators.

I ask because I would like to regularly buy eggs, as I am now in an apartment. In the past, my hens were on grass, and the flavor and yolks truly were different. (eating such eggs also helped resolve a health issue)

I really miss fresh eggs from pastured hens. Any suggestions, please?
Thank you for any help you care to offer.
Does anyone near me in MA near Norton keep chickens on grass, either in a backyard or in a pasture? I know most keep hens in a secure pen, due to predators.

I ask because I would like to regularly buy eggs, as I am now in an apartment. In the past, my hens were on grass, and the flavor and yolks truly were different. (eating such eggs also helped resolve a health issue)

I really miss fresh eggs from pastured hens. Any suggestions, please?
Thank you for any help you care to offer.
Hope you find what you are looking for. I can't imagine not eating fresh eggs. I'm planning on giving my girls alfalfa hay this year over
the winter.

Sorry I don't live very close to you. If you don't find any, maybe we can work out something in the spring
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Thank you for your kindness in thinking of me Arielle! I really do need to find fresh eggs. Even if not kept on grass, eggs from happy hens living outdoors beats supermarket eggs anyday. I so miss fresh eggs! (I miss my dear hens even more, of course)

I am blind with a bit of eyesight. So, I'm not able to drive, but get around by bus and Dial-a-Ride. Hopefully I will find someone nearby who has fresh eggs!
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! May you and your families enjoy much bounty!

A wonderful blessing came my way today. I met a new friend (I hope), and she brought me some wonderful EGGS! She was so very kind to do that. They are delicious!

Happy T-Day, all!
Hello! I'm new to the forum and am from Sturbridge, MA. I just set up my first coop and am looking for a few Orpington hens. If anyone here can help me out or point me in the right direction that would be great! Thanks in advance!
Thank you for your kindness in thinking of me Arielle! I really do need to find fresh eggs. Even if not kept on grass, eggs from happy hens living outdoors beats supermarket eggs anyday. I so miss fresh eggs! (I miss my dear hens even more, of course)

I am blind with a bit of eyesight. So, I'm not able to drive, but get around by bus and Dial-a-Ride. Hopefully I will find someone nearby who has fresh eggs!

Still looking for Faye from Oxford, Ma.. Teenager. She was showing a couple years ago. Anybody know her or if she is a member?
P.S. to warmheart: Wish to heck you lived out here. I only use eggs for baking or cooking for company. I'm always trying to find a
'home' for some! Free-ranged up until a few weeks ago when a hawk tore the head off one of my favorite hens. I only let them out
now when I can sit outside with a security gal's eye and a pack of blackcats (firecrackers). I like to brag that I have the richest eggs
with the hardest shells I've ever seen! Check out Craigslist in your area. You might get a steady supply!
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Hi. My husband and I are in Templeton. We get our chicks in the spring at feed stores. I just gave away two old hens (not laying much anymore). We loved our Buff Orpingtons. Do you have heat in your coop? We don't, but with 6-8 hens, they keep warm enough. Just thought I would say hello.

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