Ended BYC Writing Prompts! A Short Story Contest

@Amer, @ColtHandorf, @Boppo, & @Sally PB, I will send you instructions on how to claim your prizes in a bit!
Congratulations to all the wonderful winners 💞🥳
Congratulations @Amer, @ColtHandorf, @Boppo, & @Sally PB!! You all did great! :clap:clap:clap
Congrats to the winners! :woot
@Amer, @ColtHandorf, @Boppo, & @Sally P
fail miss congeniality GIF

Thank you! It was a lot of fun writing, despite your cruel and unusual word count limits.
Oh, I am astounded and humbled. Thank you. I assumed Amer and Colt Handorf would sweep all categories, unless Sally PB widened her entries! Congratulations, guys! And thank you, Judges!
You were great too!

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