Cackle hatchery's Hatchery Surprise- Anybody got this before?

So we have no doa, but we had one very badly injured chick my hubby had to put down.
What all did you get? I've tried calling our post office but they aren't answering and we went by but they weren't open. (I know there's people there) Hopefully we hear something soon!
We got the call and he is heading out to get the chicks! I will post pics soon!
Sorry for the delay. We have a nine and eight year oldto get on the bus and a year old daughter too. Morning are fun.... lol.

We have 3 turkeys. Daniel swears there is another turkey but I don't see it lol. There is 4 turkens. 4
polish. I will take more pics later. If you see anything you know just yell
We have 5 kids (15,13,12,11&9) so I understand crazy mornings! We have 2 turkey and 39(ish) (I lost count at one point) chicks. We have pairs of a lot of them. 2 naked necks, 2 polish (I think there's more but there are 2 for sure). Once I figure more out I will let you know! We weren't as prepared as I thought we were so now we're heading to TSC for more supplies! Pictures to come later! (Oh, and I did get a number of bantams, they are sooooo tiny! We are going to set up 2 brooders so we can keep them safe.
Ok. So we had one very badly injured chick. Its leg was managled amd barely hanging on. We looked it over and couldnt think of anything to do so we madr the choice to put it down. Other than that one bird everyone is healthy and loud! I am not sure the exact number of birds but I think its 40.


I started a thread to help with the breeds.... here is the link
One of our turkeys is not doing very well at all. I will be surprised if it makes it to tonight. Then we have one that keeps falling on its back and can't get back up. We have 3 or so more (that look like the one that keeps falling) that are walking funny. It might be that their legs are to far apart but I don't know enough about it so I am going to look it up. (I know I saw something about how to pull them together.) There are a number more that don't look 'great'. The ones that are healthy are VERY active, eating and drinking like champs. Over half of mine seem really small. There are some really, really, really tiny guys that you can tell are bantams but when I went to seperate them (we have 2 brooders set up, one for the little guys and one for the bigger guys and turkeys) I'm having a hard time telling who might be a banty and who is just a regular chick!
There are about 8 cornish crosses and 3 reds that I'm trying to use as a guide to pick out who's smaller. I know we'll be able to tell more in a few days when they all stop blending together! I gave the smaller guys sugar water in hopes to boost their energy. I'm not giving it to the bigger guys even though I think the turkey might need it. I might set up another brooder and give the ones that aren't doing great some sugar water and electrolyte supplement. For right now I'm going to leave them alone and hope they are just travel weary. Oh, everyone has at least drank water and ate.
One of our turkeys is not doing very well at all. I will be surprised if it makes it to tonight. Then we have one that keeps falling on its back and can't get back up. We have 3 or so more (that look like the one that keeps falling) that are walking funny. It might be that their legs are to far apart but I don't know enough about it so I am going to look it up. (I know I saw something about how to pull them together.) There are a number more that don't look 'great'. The ones that are healthy are VERY active, eating and drinking like champs. Over half of mine seem really small. There are some really, really, really tiny guys that you can tell are bantams but when I went to seperate them (we have 2 brooders set up, one for the little guys and one for the bigger guys and turkeys) I'm having a hard time telling who might be a banty and who is just a regular chick!
There are about 8 cornish crosses and 3 reds that I'm trying to use as a guide to pick out who's smaller. I know we'll be able to tell more in a few days when they all stop blending together! I gave the smaller guys sugar water in hopes to boost their energy. I'm not giving it to the bigger guys even though I think the turkey might need it. I might set up another brooder and give the ones that aren't doing great some sugar water and electrolyte supplement. For right now I'm going to leave them alone and hope they are just travel weary. Oh, everyone has at least drank water and ate.
Did you check your box really well? WhenI broke my box down for recycling, I found a packet with a themometer, a packet of sav-a-chick and a packet of electrolytes. You could give them those. If you can, separate the ones that aren't doing well into a smaller, warmer area where they won't be trampled. Make sure there's at least one healthy chick with the turkey poults, it will show them how to drink. Don't give them food yet, wait until this evening to make sure everyone is drinking. oh, and really warm water, 100 degrees, is best. not cold water.

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